By: Revanche

I’m not dead, I’m at Comic-Con!

July 25, 2010

There was always supposed to be some scheduled posts but that didn’t happen, obviously, so here I am, dashing off a quick note on my last night in San Diego to let you know that my spending proves I’m still alive and kicking.

Sunday Confessional 

I’m totally out of shape and am barely making it out this year: my feet are blistering in protest of the miles of con floor walking and dashes to panels, and the astronomically long lines while carrying 20 pounds of comics.

I bought 20 pounds of comics.

Only half of them were gifts.

That and 2 other gifts cost all the cash I brought down with me and then some ($173).

Am packmuling home ten t-shirts (9 freebies, 4 from the Scott Pilgrim Marketing Bonanza, 1 gift for a friend). 

I’m still online because I’m watching my inbox for an email from a stranger with an attached photo of me with Adam Baldwin. (!!!)

And now I’m going to pass out and dream-brainstorm good thank-you gifts for the gracious owners of the condo in which I stayed for free.  Flowers? Food? (Food’s too hard.)

2 Responses to “I’m not dead, I’m at Comic-Con!”

  1. Karen says:

    Fruit basket or in a nice bowl? Bottle of wine (or other drink)?
    Gift card to a restaurant.

  2. Revanche says:

    @Karen: I should have left them a new bottle of Absolut. I saw a mostly empty one in the sink 🙂

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