By: Revanche

Am I ready for Christmas?

August 16, 2010

The Season?  No, probably not. In Calvin And Hobbesesque logic, I haven’t had a summer yet so it’s not allowed to become fall or winter. Nevertheless, Christmas and the associated gift-giving season (it’s preceded by a number of birthdays, mine included) is nearly upon us.

It’s already mid-August and I’m trying to decide if I’ve adequately covered Christmas gifts for the year.  A couple weeks ago, the outlook seemed good because I was at Con and Con is where all Christmas shopping happens!

But now that I take a second look at the gifts I bought, that’s actually not the case.

I’ve got a good start on Comic BFF’s Christmas and birthday gifts, but still need about 4-6 more comics.
PiC’s birthday gift is set, but I still don’t have a fab Christmas gift yet. (Perhaps it’ll be a Making Greece Happen next spring by not taking any more days off between now and then?)

That’s pretty much it. Amazing how shopping over 4.5 days made me feel like I’d accomplished a ton – I’ve still got at least 4-5 more people to buy for, probably.

And, taking a lesson from last year, I’m going to insist PiC hand over his Christmas list by the end of the month because I’m not having a repeat of the post-Christmas shop fiasco wherein we were shopping the night of his gift exchange.

Is anyone else thinking about this yet?

13 Responses to “Am I ready for Christmas?”

  1. Uh, nope! Not that I shouldn’t be thinking of it, but I’m just trying to get through september first!

    I do have the gift fund, which doesn’t get much withdrawal action until about then, but mentally, not prepared at all.

    Isn’t it the middle of summer? It feels like it, but I guess summer is drawing to a close!

  2. Red says:

    My goal for Christmas is to do DIY gifts only. This means Sex and the City DVD inserts for my mom (Actually had a dream – or nightmare – about making those last night!) and magnetic photo frames with updated photos of the family for my dad’s work tool box. I’m trying to do all of this for free too! By using work supplies (scissors, tape, etc.) or using Swagbucks to buy Amazon gift cards to use for other supplies.

    But for D, I am completely clueless. I don’t have any idea what to DIY. I thought about maybe planning a gift to DO something, but I don’t know what yet.

    The clock is ticking!

  3. Sarah says:

    December annihilates my bank account – I’m like you, there are a heap of birthdays the week before, and a heap the week after. I never scrimp on birthday gifts, and it must suck to have a special day so closer to ANOTHER special day. I have some shopping done already, and ideas for the rest!

  4. Christmas…? EEEEK!! Do we have to have one of those this year?

  5. Nicole says:

    Ouch. No. Christmas is not even remotely on the horizon for me yet.

  6. I absolutely refuse to think about it yet. Lots of other things I need to do before make myself nuts with Christmas.

  7. eemusings says:

    I bought a couple of books on deep sale last week…but other than that, I’ve been doing a little bit of thinking and not a lot of doing.

    Last year we made gift baskets for everyone, so might try doing the same. How has the year already disappeared??

  8. Single Ma says:

    Yep, I’m ready! My cruise is booked. We sail on my birthday and don’t return until after Christmas. My gifts will be postcards. LOL

  9. I like Single Ma’s idea!

  10. Anna C. says:

    I usually stock up on gifts when I travel abroad and I can sometimes use those for up to 2 years upon my return. It’s a great idea to start doing this now. I find that so many expenses come up around the end of year and the first few months of the next year (taxes, long term health insurance, car insurance, holiday travel expenses) so it’s good to start thinking about this now!

  11. I am always ready for Christmas the season – it’s by far my favorite and I love the atmosphere. But, no, I have no gifts ready yet. I bought a few but then gave them out early because I was in the mood…yeah, I know…

    I usually buy the majority of gifts in October.

  12. ashley says:

    Yeah I am! I actually only bought one so far, because I found the perfect thing for my brother on Etsy. Other than that, I’m still thinking of good ideas. But I do have a budget set out!

  13. Bucksome says:

    I’ve been thinking about it more the last couple of weeks post-BlogHer in terms of which swag to regift versus donate.

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