By: Revanche

An irregular series of giveaways: a wee purse

August 7, 2010

I brought this purse back from my last visit with Grandma three years ago always intending it for a gift.  But it never quite seemed to fit the personality of the gals I know.  (I was going to give away the Southwest drink coupons too, but I have no idea where they went.  If enough people mention they’d like them in their comments, I’ll try to find them.)

P’raps you’d like to help it find a new home?  P’raps you would like to welcome this purse into your home?

To Enter:
1.  Leave a comment with your name and email address, and who you’d like the purse for.  (1 entry)
2.  Tweet about this giveaway, include my handle so I can track your entries: “Win a tiny purse from @RevancheGS:” (1 entry per day)
3.  Blog about it and leave a comment with your link. (2 entries)
4.  Bonus entry: Referring another entrant who will credit you for the tip!  That entrant has to leave your name in a comment. 

The Rules:
1.  Enter by Monday, August 16th, 11:59 PM PDT.
2.  Winner will be chosen by and all decisions are final.
3.  Winner must respond to my contact email within 48 hours or I’ll choose another winner.
4.  Open to U.S. and Canadian readers.

7 Responses to “An irregular series of giveaways: a wee purse”

  1. Red says:

    Omg! I am in love with that purse! It’s too cute!

    I haven’t carried a purse since Christmas, so I’m not sure that I’d break the habit for that gorgeous bag (though it’s a possibility)! But I have a friend/coworker with a funky style who is moving away for school. I think she’d love this!

    Name is Red. Email:

  2. Kathleen says:

    That purse is very cute. 🙂 I would keep it either for myself or give it to one of my friends for Christmas (the more likely option).


  3. momsthename says:

    I would love this purse for my niece…she is so much like it..ecletic and marching to the beat of her own drummer. She works hard putting herself through college…so this would be a great treat.


  4. Ooooh I like!! Might make a good Christmas gift for my sister in law, actually.

    gottalittlespacetofill AT gmail DOT c0m

  5. judy says:

    I like the purse so maybe I’d keep it for myself. Although it would make a nice birthday gift for my sister.

  6. Too cute! I’d keep it for myself unless one of my friends just goes ga-ga over it. Thanks!


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