By: Revanche

What better way to sum up Comic Con?

August 2, 2010

Con was pretty fab and so were the geek-celeb sightings.  The regular celeb sightings weren’t nearly so interesting; I didn’t even recognize Michael Cera, Brandon Routh or the other Scott Pilgrim stars. That might be more of a commentary on my social awareness than anything to do with them, though. 😉

One of my favorite things about Con is the opportunity to see and support some of my favorite artists and performers like Felicia Day and The Guild.  If you’ve never seen The Guild before, you really ought to.  Even PiC who is by no means geeky (yeah, how did that happen?) enjoys watching the web series Felicia Day created and wrote. I love the series because it’s so delightfully geeky, the characters are hilariously flawed and frankly, Felicia Day is just adorable.

You should definitely watch the music videos they’ve created in addition to the episodes.

Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?

and the newest one: Game on!

<a href=";from=sp&#038;fg=shareEmbed&#038;vid=8cb424dc-cbdb-40be-90c5-8fb450462d2f" target="_new" rel="noopener">Video: Season 4 &#8211; Music Video &#8211; &#8220;Game On&#8221;</a>

3 Responses to “What better way to sum up Comic Con?”

  1. 444 says:

    Around here, the big thing was Otakon. Is that the embarrassing country cousin of Comic Con?

  2. I am so envious. I’ve always wanted to go to the Comic Con. Maybe one day though…

    I also love The Guild. Season 4 is great. I hope they make Wil Wheaton’s character more of a regular even after Season 4 is over. He’s hilarious!

  3. Revanche says:

    @444: Oh no, I don’t think any Con is an embarrassing country cousin at all, except maybe the Twilight one that charges something like $200+ just for admission and doesn’t offer anything of value. But that’s more like a socialite elitist Con than anything.

    @AP: As long as it’s still in San Diego I will vouch that it’s worth the experience.

    And yes, WW is most excellent, I can’t wait to see where they’re going with it.

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