By: Revanche

It’s just a Library Thing: What I’m reading

September 8, 2010

Of Mine Own:

Mice Templar (Vol 1), by Bryan Glass and Michael Avon Oeming
Usagi Yojimbo (Vol 1-2), by Stan Sakai**
Alan Moore’s Complete WILDC.A.T.S.
Sam and Twitch (Vol 1-2), by Brian Michael Bendis
Wolverine, by Jason Aaron
100 Bullets (Vols 12-13), by Brian Azzarello and Edward Risso**

Of the Borrowed Variety:

The Umbrella Academy (Vols 1-2), by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba
Scalped (Vols 1-6), by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera
The Boys (Vols 1-4), by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson**

Of the Gifting Sort:

Daredevil: Return of the King, by Ed Brubaker and David Aja
Batman: Private Casebook, by Paul Dini

**Still waiting to be read

I cannot proclaim enough how incredibly creative The Umbrella Academy is, or how gutwrenchingly compelling Scalped is. I try, I really do, but I feel like it’s just not good enough. Just to give you an idea: I’m pretty sure that I’m an adult now. I’ve got some incredible impulse control. I can make a package of Oreos last a MONTH. Girl scout cookies, TWO. My birthday gift has been sitting in this house for over a week and I haven’t rent the packaging to particle bits despite knowing what joys await me.

But I tore through all six volumes of Scalped, cover to cover, in less than 72 hours.  It’s no feel good comic, but it grabs hold of your intestines and doesn’t let go. And now I have to wait until March 2011 for the next trade to ship. It’s already preordered, I’ll tell you what. 

Oh. I’ve got an 8 am meeting and just got the EYE from PiC so further exultation must wait.

3 Responses to “It’s just a Library Thing: What I’m reading”

  1. You make me want to read Umbrella Academy now.. but I tend to enjoy manga more in the Usagi Yojimbo or Lone Wolf and Cub nature.

    Very samurai, traditional Japanese culture sort of books.

    Or very lighthearted fare like Fruits Basket, Anything by Rumiko Takahashi and so on.

  2. Ruth says:

    Just added the first volume of Umbrella Academy to my to-read list on GoodReads! 🙂

  3. Jenna says:

    Nice! I just started The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest! So far so good!

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