By: Revanche

Wedding Talk: Round 3

February 17, 2011

Did you know … 

that when you’ve been engaged more than a month and still have nothing planned, people start wondering if you’re still engaged?  Or if you’re still planning to get married ever?  Evidently the time allotted for us to plan or set a date may soon expire.  Patience, padawans.

that no matter how simple the dress, you can still zipper party-foul yourself?  *ow. that left a mark*  J.Crew, as it turns out, is still not as petite friendly as other stores. 0P is still slips-off-the-shoulder too big, and not in that alluring sexy kind of way some luscious bombshell might be able to pull off, either. Not that I’d want that look for my wedding, but I’m sayin’, I looked a little ridiculous. It was the sub-$200 dress I bought just to try on, but it may be going back soon unless I’m willing to put a bit more money into making it work.  The borrowable dress is coming over this weekend with its owner for a try-on.

that it’s way more fun fake-wedding planning than actually wedding planning?  We had the best conversation about our favorite foods and the schizophrenic menu it’d create. Then we narrowed it down to the top three favorite foods each: still schizo.  After we switched over to “ok, for real now ….. ”  *crickets*

that there are some people who just get it?  There are a couple really good friends are just incredibly calming to talk to about this stuff when I feel like it.

that there are the people who just don’t get it.  There are so many of them.  Luckily, PiC and I are getting quite practiced at the *smile&move along* thing.

that there’s a lot to be said for taking your time and getting in a relaxed state of mind before making any major decisions?  I’m not there yet, but I’m pretty sure that’s the only way anything’s going to get done.  At least I hope things will get done.  Though, it’s entirely possible that if we want people to show up at any sort of thing, we should really at least pick a date.  Or a year.


I was lucky enough to win a Glo package for email wedding invitations a few weeks ago.  It is pretty cool considering we were talking about going Evite-style. 😉 The lovely founder, Taryn, invited me to write a guest post so I shared a tidbit here: Reflecting on the first days of wedding planning

9 Responses to “Wedding Talk: Round 3”

  1. Carrie says:

    we’ve been engaged three weeks now and have very vague kauai august 2012 plans in mind. not planning on planning anything more until we go to kauai to confirm that’s what we want to do this august.

  2. We set a date immediately after getting engaged because we just wanted to decide on wedding stuff and get it done without too much fuss. When you know you are getting married on X date, then you know when you have to stop dreaming and get doing. We had a 7 month engagement; I can’t imagine spending years planning a wedding. I mean, it’s a fun party, but it’s not that big a deal, no matter what ideas the bridal industry is trying to sell you.

  3. People do tend to get stressed out about the oddest things during a wedding.

    But all the guests remember is if the bride is beautiful (she always is), if the couple is happy, if they got fed good food in a reasonable amount of time, and if they didn’t have to wait ages between the ceremony and reception.

    Nothing else is really important. 😉 Not the candle heights or if there are even candles. Nobody notices these things. (Though maybe things are different if you go full-out Asian-style.)

  4. o___o?

    engaged for a month with no firm plans yet seems normal to me…. Do people expect you to have venues booked and a menu picked out already? O___O??

    Your schizo wedding menu would have tator tots wouldn’t it? o_O;

  5. Daisy says:

    LOL at the whole setting a date thing- that’s pretty funny. People are silly. Although..

    My boyfriends sister gets engaged to various men, all of whom she ends up not marrying.
    Engagement means nothing to her. She was with a guy for 6 years, got engaged to him, & then broke up with him. She got engaged once more, then broke up with that guy – this last time, she got engaged on christmas, & it’s just not exciting anymore.
    But most people aren’t like that!

  6. Ah yes, I’ve been there!

    We were engaged for nearly 2 years (for various reasons, including financial ones), so I really almost couldn’t start planning much right away.

    Our church wouldn’t book that far in advance, and without being able to book the church, it was hard to set a date, so it was hard to plan for any other vendors. I started actual planning about a year in advance.

    Anyway, there were a lot of people who didn’t “get” it, and a lot of people who didn’t “get” our budgeting.

    But it turned out great from our point of view, we were happy, we were surrounded by family and friends, etc. Just smile and nod, and do it your way, in the end, all that really matters is that you guys are starting your life as a married couple, the way you want to 🙂

  7. Kathleen says:

    Don’t sweat it. 🙂 I’ve been engaged for about 11 mos and have started planning zilch. From time to time, people ask me about when we’re going to start planning or if we at least have a date, but it’s just not in the cards for us right now to plan those things (fiance is still finishing school, need to save up for it). I think we have decided what city to have the wedding in and not much else. You’ve already done way more than I have! It’s okay and your right to go at your own pace.

  8. mapgirl says:

    Got the day off today so I am catching up on some blogs. Congratulations hon! I hope you and your fiance have a wonderful wedding and very happy marriage!

  9. Revanche says:

    @Carrie: That’s a decent start!

    @The Lost Goat: I’d like to have a date to get started, but I kind of didn’t want to get started either so … no date 🙂

    @nicoleandmaggie: Indeed they do. I have to go into bridal hibernation to do this, probably.

    Also, the bride would really prefer everyone not be looking at her, and I’m not sure that can be arranged.

    @AP: Yep, they expect things to Be Done. It’s kind of cute that the Jones are puzzled why we’re not also the Joneses, by way of analogy.

    YOU KNOW ME!! 🙂

    @Daisy: I promise I’ve never been engaged before. It took us this long to get engaged. Though maybe that’s why – they’re thinking holy cow! They’re going to wait six years to get married now!! 🙂

    @Insomniac Lab Rat: We’ll have to decide when we really want to do this thing, at least. Go from there.

    @Kathleen: Thanks! A colleague was praising my organization about something until she found out about not having a date, then she jokingly retracted the compliment.

    @mapgirl: Yay for a day off! Thanks for stopping in, and thanks for the well wishes!

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