By: Revanche

Adventuring to the Ferry Building Farmers Market

March 20, 2011

The Goal: Roli Roti Pork Sandwiches

At $8.50 for a modestly-sized Pork Porchetta Sandwich, I silently promised myself that it would be awesome.  And anyway, it’s all Friend’s fault.  Having emerged once again, as he does once a quarter, or something like that, from the backwoods, he craves the oddest things that mean civilization.  This trip, the Sandwich was Civilization.

After queuing in the pelting rain, wandering off to examined the neighboring florist’s purple and red anemones, bulbish strawflowers, and huddling in my hood, we finally pulled up to the actual truck itself where four congenial fellows were ripping apart various pork portions, grinning at the anticipatory patrons.

One of the two check-out folk asked for our order but seemed not to know enough English to do anything with the information, having gotten it. With their severely limited menu, I wasn’t sure where I was going wrong.  They only had one sandwich on the menu. Friend and I turned to each other, perplexed, “Sandwiches? Two, please?  One with the cress and one with the arugula?”  Still blank.  One of the sandwich compilers quickly explained they were out of the cress, was the arugula alright?  “Well, sure! Two of the only sandwiches you’ve got then, please!”  She was still perplexed.  Her compatriot took over at the point, asking what we’d like, acting as if we hadn’t just gone two complete rounds with the person two inches away. I suspect this is not an unusual situation. 😉

The sandwich was rather divine. Full of sweet and salty flavor, soft pork melted into the onion with crunchy bits, layered with the harder, more substantial slices of pork. We waited too long to eat the sandwiches so the arugula didn’t stand out against the pork, but it didn’t melt either, so it was fine.  It was heaped in the right proportions into a ciabatta roll they get from the bakery inside the Ferry Building. With the harder crust, the bread doesn’t fall apart which is absolutely critical in a sandwich – I absolutely hate sandwiches and burgers where the wrapper collapses.

We took a small side of roasted potatoes as well and the rosemary salting – delicious. The potatoes were more like chunks, huge chunks.  Not a problem for this potato lover.

At $20 for a lunch for two, no drinks, it’s a bit steep for lunching more frequently than as a treat but it’s absolutely worth it as a treat. Come visit me so I have an excuse to go again?  😉

6 Responses to “Adventuring to the Ferry Building Farmers Market”

  1. If this is not a call to come out and visit you I don’t know what is.

    *PATIENCE my belly.. we will be in the States soon and we can go see Revanche and visit some sandwiches as well.*

  2. Yum!!!

    Oh man, I WISH I were in the bay area.

  3. Karen says:

    I’d come out when it’s “warmer” lol

  4. Can I come with FB and visit you too? *pats her own tummy* Mine wants food too!

  5. That is the BEST farmer’s market…though I was at a very nice one in Seattle, too.

    Miss San Francisco…

  6. Revanche says:

    @FB: Correct!!

    @nicoleandmaggie: *reservation pen at the ready* How many, ma’am?

    @Karen: Quick! It’s warmer!

    @AP: You are absolutely welcome! A Canadian brigade you shall be. 😉

    @FaM: It’s growing on me. I’m used a larger more casual one, but this one really has the most gorgeous florals and delicious foods.

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