By: Revanche

San Diego Recap Part Two: The Fun Stuff

July 30, 2011

The sticker shock has worn off a bit, thankfully.  I was just sweeping up Doggle’s fur and thinking about how it probably seemed like I was dwelling on the money of it, rather than the fun of the weekend.

A few reasons … this is where I talk about my money, I don’t talk about it anywhere else really. So I talk about the money first and foremost to get it straightened out in my mind where I stand.  And when I’m tired, I worry. I worry in general, and I worry about money specifically.  There was also some guilt associated with: how dare you spend money on fun?  Which is, considering how hard I work to save all year, prioritize not-fun  and everyone else in almost all other cases, etc., pretty silly.

I was particularly exhausted going into that weekend having worked something like 15 days straight right before so there was not a moment to prepare for the trip mentally.  Obviously I had paid for some things in advance (airfare, 1 night of the hotel, our badges) and already had money saved for it so we didn’t come away in the red.  The travel fund is whining, but only because it doesn’t like going to empty. (I hear ya, Bob.)


This was also an unusual year. I’ve never started an SDCC so worn out in my life. I’ve been running at about 10% energy levels, now, and still push myself to do almost everything at 80 or 90% pace.  I couldn’t do that in San Diego this year.  I couldn’t be up and about at 6 or 7 am every single day, Wednesday through Sunday, and be on the go through sundown.

We spent a lot more time meandering at a much slower pace.  We didn’t force ourselves to go to every single interesting panel, we didn’t get out of the hotel by 7 am like I would normally have insisted, I didn’t hit every single booth in every single aisle and browse every single discounted comic booth as normal.  (I’m a little sad about that.)

But we met up with very lovely internet people, we met random other (famous or familiar) people, we collected very cool stuff, found a pile of excellent presents, every single one of us had at least one Very Cool Moment.

I must have had at least three.  

Robert Starkings and Gabo of Elephantmen were extra excellent, sketching and signing all of my books at their booth and then giving me a hug when I was bouncing with excitement over the deliciousness of the art, and then taking a photo with me and their entire crew.

w00tstock was incredible.  I was quite sad I didn’t get to see all of it but duty called to keep PiC from freezing on his quest to save me from heartbreak so I had to dash out.  By proxy, though, the Sunshine Cthulhu that I doted on that weekend went to Wil Wheaton as thanks over the stolen e-book debacle & I was pretty tickled to hear that.  [Not really my moment, it was just a Very Cool Thing.]  I will definitely want to go again and enjoy it in all the glory.

I met up with an industry veteran I think I’m allowed to call a friend, and had a very good long chat with him.  I was thrilled to pieces that he was honored that weekend with an industry award.

Pia Guerra, one of my favorite artists, was hanging out on Sunday and drew a fantastic sketch of (as requested) her favorite characters from Y: The Last Man.  I’ve loved her work for years.  Incidentally, also my favorite character.

Also, David Peterson, creator of MouseGuard drew an adorable sketch for my wee book and was a fabulously nice dude.  He then won an Eisner that evening so it was really cool to be able to come back around and give him our congratulations.

Twitter made it possible to have a very random and sudden meet-up with people I’d wanted to see but had missed all weekend previously.  That was Brilliant.

I loved how Ruth had never been to SDCC but so many more people knew/talked to her than me.  It was fantastic fun having her as a Con buddy.  Loved. It. I’m really going to miss having her.  I want her back for next SDCC!  I need the budget to make this happen, folks! 


Having home base to come back to was, as always, key to the decompression stage each night.  That was different, too, and I think we could have used earlier nights but it was definitely the better choice for most of us rather than going out to all the night parties that were going on.  I don’t think I could have survived Con Night Life this year.  Watching it on Twitter was good enough for me!

Such party animals!  😉

Maybe in a few years … when I’m not … so old?

P.S. I almost caught a DebtHater this year! Next time ….


Ruth’s Really Long San Diego Comic-Con Recap

3 Responses to “San Diego Recap Part Two: The Fun Stuff”

  1. Ruth says:

    *bounce* I really wish I could come next year, too. But need to be open for summer classes….and money…and I don’t know. Maybe once I finish my MLS in a couple years? If I still have some money left, then I could celebrate!

    You were the best Con Sherpa/buddy/roommate a girl could hope for! <3

  2. Revanche says:

    @Ruth: I know, it’s probably not realistic. It’s just … *meep*

  3. […] Does this ever get old? Normally the answer would be *insane cackle* “Of course not.” And in a lot of ways, nope. It really doesn’t. Mecca, after all. […]

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