By: Revanche

Pets: Putting Doggle in Financial Perspective

October 25, 2011

As much work and as costly as Doggle has been in the totting up of his bills over the months, there are some pretty amazing things about this dog that makes me say it’s totally worth it.  Also, I like to point out that if you really want to think about the costs, you have to think about the FULL picture, and that includes considering what kind of dog we could have gotten since we did get really lucky with the pup we brought home.

Remember, this big man was abandoned for at least a year before we brought him home, and we have no clue what his history was before that.  He could have been a shivering wreck inside his head and ready to burst out with all kinds of crazy after we took him home, just hiding it behind a stoic face when we first met him.  It’s not that dogs are duplicitous, it’s just that when they first meet you, all the nuances of their personality aren’t going to be evident.  That was certainly true of Doggle. It took him about three months to come out from his shell entirely and show that he actually had a personality lurking underneath.

Happily, most of that livelier personality is more pleasant than not.  There’re also some rather … limpet-like parts to his personality.  It’s usually cute but … sometimes it’s not.

How Doggle Costs Money: 

Oh Vet Bills (Medication/Supplements):  Doggle has been to the vet every other month since he’s been with us.  We’ve spent over a thousand dollars on his medical bills so far.  *_*

Carpeting:  His poor staggering legs don’t deal very well with the slippery floors so we’ve laid down new (to us) rugs.  Thank you, Craigslist and Costco for relatively cost effective rugs and padded squishy mats.

Food: He just keeps on eating.   And I’ve turned into a bit of a sucker about buying him a stock of treats.  Yeah.  I’m that dog mom.  I never was before.

Car upgrade:  But let’s be honest.  It wasn’t like PiC hadn’t been looking for his car upgrade for several years.

How He Doesn’t Cost: 

Furniture:  He doesn’t mark on anything at home, thank goodness.  He’s embarrassed us in places where other dogs have previously marked their territory as that lights up that little area in his brain that says “oh! I should pee here too!”  But as our home has been unmarked, so it stays.  Whew.

He also doesn’t chew, scratch or (mostly) climb.  Occasionally he takes a freak into his head that maybe he should try to get on the sofa.  Then he gets put in timeout.

Shoes/Bags/Socks/Clothes/Books/Small Items:  He also doesn’t steal, chew or destroy any of these things.

People Food:  He’s not allowed to have any.  Not that that has diminished his interest in our cooking activities or eating at the table or anywhere else one whit.   But he also doesn’t beg.  He’s allowed to hang around and sniff within a certain limit.

Toys: He’s still not interested.  He’s just starting to get the barest inkling of how to socially interact in play with other dogs or people. I’m trying to teach him and expose him to other big dogs because small dogs around here are frankly, brats, who mostly don’t want anything to do with him if they’re not being snappy, snippy, yappy and their owners just don’t socialize or train them out of those nasty behaviors.  Bigger or younger dogs really like him, though, and that’s really nice.

Energy:  95% of the time, he has amazing indoor manners.  Which is to say, he is incredibly quiet and mellow inside.  If you’re hanging out, he’s hanging out.  If you’re sleeping, he’s sleeping.  If you’re cooking, he’s in the way.  But he doesn’t bark, he doesn’t scratch, dig, growl, or generally freak out in any way.

2% of the time he has little freakouts where he goes into corners and huddles or has to be on the sofa which is a no-no.  3% of the time he is really really really happy you just got home or we’re going for a walk.  That is a really manageable percentage, in my mind.

Extra Baths and Carpet Cleaning:  He only gets baths on our schedule which varies between every 3-6 weeks.  We can do this because he doesn’t roll in the dirt, he doesn’t rub himself in gross stuff he finds on his walks, and while he might get himself a little in his poorly-aimed, old man spatter, he lets us wipe him down after every walk and wipe his paws as well.  Docile as anything.

At the end of the day …. 

I’m so glad we’ve got him.  We have made a lot of adjustments. We factor him into the morning and evening routines to take the time to take him out twice a day, (but that’s all we have to do – we have neighbors who walk their yappers FIVE times a day!) We either travel with him by car, one of us stays home with him, or have to make arrangements for him.  We mostly do the first two, though.  I’m hopelessly attached. 😉

7 Responses to “Pets: Putting Doggle in Financial Perspective”

  1. Shelley says:

    Sounds like you got yourself a real sweetie. We always fed our dogs on dry dog food, which would probably be considered abuse these days. For a special treat we would add warm water and mix or put a raw egg in, or leftover gravy and the like. The rule wasn’t so much about no people food, but that it always went in the dog dish, never fed from the table, so our dogs didn’t beg at dinner time, something loads of people don’t mind but I find really disgusting.

    One thing I did learn from my aunt Rita, whose dogs had the best of health care: carrots are a healthy doggie snack and strangely enough, they seem to love them… Just a thought.

    Glad your doggie has worked out well for you!

  2. Sense says:

    Puppppppyyyy! where is the picture, woman?!

    (I know he’s not a puppy, but I turn into a 3 year old at the mere mention of canines. Not the little yappy ones though–they are NOT real dogs!)

    So happy to live vicariously through you. They are just such a great unconditional mood lifter!

  3. Ruth says:

    Plus you get to take silly pictures of him and send them to me! This is a great goodness. 😀 Between that & the stories, I’m sometimes surprised to remember I haven’t met him.

  4. The Quest says:

    You sound like a fabulous pet mama. Doggle is very lucky to have you!

  5. MoneyMaus says:

    I freaking HEART Doggle! 🙂 He clearly has made an impact on your life in such a short time. YAY!

  6. Pretty nice dog!

    Walt the Greyhound, who of course was a kennel dog all his life until he was adopted out, took about three months to start to become human; maybe a year all told to develop what we think of as “personality.” The vet, who had a small specialty in greys, said that dogs don’t really have “personalities” in the way we think of it, but take on behavioral characteristics and quirks as a result of living with people.

    Sounds like Doggle is adapting nicely to living with you and PiC.

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