By: Revanche

News, News and News: Non-Trivial Announcements for 2012

February 9, 2012

A) One friend is having a baby.

B) One friend is getting married.

C) This blogger got a promotion.

(So I get to rewrite the budget for 2012 again! This is a good thing, yes.)

It’s a pretty big step up.

This comes with a new title, a higher level of seniority, more responsibility and visibility, a lot more travel. A couple other things I’m not as in love with but I know I can do. Spiffy. It does come with more money as well, which was pretty important considering that I came in on a lowball offer originally. I’ve been working intensely to bring myself back to parity and this negotiation was no different.

We’re also really looking forward to the changes that will let me make to take care of my health.  It doesn’t just come with more, more, more, it was built to promote some balance as well. I was also saying no to some things: for my health and for a stronger structure, the position is arranged sensibly to reduce specific burdens that I’ve already mastered and shift it elsewhere.

It’s been a very tough road, not just for me but also for PiC who has had to live with me running on all pistons 100% of the time, and being totally career focused despite my health issues, and then paying the price with my health and I’m really grateful for this outcome.

And on the whole, it’s also pretty neat – I’ve sweated and slaved over the building of this little empire and I’ll be able to continue to run it for a while yet.

19 Responses to “News, News and News: Non-Trivial Announcements for 2012”

  1. eemusings says:

    Oh, I was hoping it was good news on the job front! Ecstatic for you.

  2. Gz! More money + better health = win.

  3. Kris says:


  4. SP says:

    yay! I knew it was coming, so glad to see that it is all official and a done deal. You are getting what you very much deserve!

    (Also… take care of yourself!)

  5. Grace. says:

    A promotion? Wow! There’s been a lot of that going around (see Always the Planner, Musings of a Midlife Mom or World of Wealth blogs) though not, unfortunately, in my world (what? me jealous?). Congratulations. Use both the money and the increased responsibility well!

  6. asgreen says:

    congrats! that is really great news!

  7. Shelley says:

    Well done you! Hope the travel doesn’t become a burden, but I gather you’ve worked all that out. I’m very pleased for you!

  8. mOOm says:


  9. Karen says:

    Fantastic! Congratulations! I’m happy to hear it will allow you to better take care of your health.

  10. Quite literally, I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

  11. Sabrina says:

    Knowing you, the promotion is well deserved! Congratulations!


  12. w00t! Congratulations, Revanche! This sounds like a very positive change.

  13. Kellen says:

    Oooh, promotions are so exciting :)! Congratulations!

  14. Revanche says:

    Thanks, everyone!

    It is a huge weight off – “Zen” as I wanted to be about it, a lot of things weighed on this decision going this way.

  15. […] life in a box, and climbed back into a competitive saddle. I was immediately interviewing for a promotion against people with twenty years more experience. Mom would have wanted me to get it together. She […]

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