By: Revanche

Catching up and Cookery Sunday: Coconut Curry Edition

March 3, 2012

Warren Ellis on space and some of our ridiculous politicians and politics today. He was specifically asked about Gingrich by name though I’m sure he could be quite evenhanded with both sides’ ridiculousity if desired.

My favorite bits that almost make this embarrassing degenerate circus seem like it’s not just spinning out of control:

As someone who’s been very astute at understanding American political mythology — in Crooked Little Vein and elsewhere — what does the 2012 GOP primary say to you about the United States?

Absolutely nothing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun sideshow, but I don’t believe it says anything about the country other than that working democracy is like making haggis, in that you really don’t want to see what goes into that shit. It does say a lot about the state of the GOP, and I can’t help but wonder if the party moderates are just letting this parade of mental patients and unelectable criminals simply happen, so that they can detoxify the party after the inevitable firestorm of failure.

What role does fiction play in inspiring innovation and human development?

Most centers of scientific innovation are full of people walking around with a head full of science fiction, I’ve found. I mean, thank god. It means someone’s still buying my books. And if it’s NASA, then they’re using your tax dollars to do it. Excellent.

For some disclosure, though not full, I take issue with just about all current candidates who are full of pompous puffery and championing insane causes for more insane reasons. There have got to be some good people left who can represent and debate original ideas who aren’t full of unadulterated …. well.


In defense of the First Amendment, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund does good work. In this particular case, the CBLDF helped defend a man who was arrested in Canada, detained without given the reason for his detention, not granted access to counsel nor to the American Embassy.

His “crime”? Traveling with his comics, specifically manga, on his laptop which falls under the broad Canadian definition of child pornography.

Despite having the charges dropped after waging a $75,000 court battle, the attorneys involve still caution all travelers:

Although the outcome of this case is ultimately positive, comic book readers should be aware that there are still dangers for traveling with comics in Canada. Edelson says, “Aside from the very positive outcome to this story, your members should be cautioned concerning the search and seizure regime here in Canada exercised by the Canadian Border Services Agency. Moreover, they should also be aware that although anime and manga is legal in many areas of the United States and Japan, etc., to possess and utilize, the Canadian authorities may take a different view if this material is found on any laptops or mobile devices when you enter the country. Many of the issues that arise in similar circumstances are thoroughly addressed in our comprehensive Notice of Application.”

While I don’t think of any of my anime or manga as being particularly, or at all, salacious, the very nature of the style is such that everyone is drawn in an exaggerated, child-like, manner, including the adults. I’d be very careful when traveling to Canada not to bring any manga out of concern for the scope for misinterpretation.

A Recipe

Courtesy of Cait, I’m going to be trying this out.

Coconut Curry

2 bunches green onions
1 (14 ounce) can light coconut milk
1/4 cup soy sauce, divided
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
2 teaspoons chile paste
1 pound firm tofu, cut into 3/4 inch cubes
4 roma (plum) tomatoes, chopped
1 yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced
4 ounces fresh mushrooms, chopped
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
4 cups chopped bok choy
salt to taste
1. Remove white parts of green onions, and finely chop. Chop greens into 2 inch pieces.
2. In a large heavy skillet over medium heat, mix coconut milk, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, brown sugar, curry powder, ginger, and chile paste. Bring to a boil.
3. Stir tofu, tomatoes, yellow pepper, mushrooms, and finely chopped green onions into the skillet. Cover, and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix in basil and bok choy. Season with salt and remaining soy sauce. Continue cooking 5 minutes, or until vegetables are tender but crisp. Garnish with remaining green onion.

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