By: Revanche

Redemption: The Next Generation

May 28, 2012

This year, two of my baby relatives are heading off to medical school and I couldn’t be prouder.

Growing up in an equally poor household, their family stayed that way. They didn’t try to live above their means, live above their means or throw money away on big purchases. They had one parent stay home with the kids and tend to their needs physically and educationally: carting them around to school, a few limited activities, cooking, extra tutoring when they were younger or taking them to study groups and accelerated classes when they were older while the other parent worked.

Perhaps they got a wee bit spoiled in that they don’t cook or clean for themselves at all at home, but their mommy looooves to do those things for them. Instead they studied their tuchuses off and earned full scholarships to universities, and then took care of themselves after that. And now, medical school.

It finally feels like they’re becoming adults as much as I’ve been in denial about it even though they’ve been growing up right at my heels. It’s a cognitive dissonance that may never fade to realize my wee rellies aren’t so wee. I remember cradling them as infants, while just a child myself. I remember dandling babies off knees hardly far enough off the ground to fall and scrape it. The distance between us is half a decade and more, yet it seems like they represent the next generation, and perhaps even redeem mine own.

At times, I look at our socio-political landscape and I weep for our present. Others, I look at my cousins and I think, we may have something yet.

They might well indeed be the ones to mend up my broken heart over my sibling. They have potential still, they have futures to fulfill and prospects ahead of them. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for them and what they’ll do with it all.

They have “the promise of a generation.” (CJ Cregg, The West Wing)

3 Responses to “Redemption: The Next Generation”

  1. Allison says:

    Congratulations to your cousins!

    I totally know what you mean with the cognitive dissonance- my baby cousins are heading off to college over these next few years (and my “little” brother just finished his first year)…but they’re supposed to be little! I held them up for family pictures and tried to get them to stop crying long enough to snap the photo!

  2. I’m so impressed. I can only hope for the best with my baby cousins but .. hey, if 1 out of the 4 make it, it won’t be that bad. Their problem is too much money spoiling them.

    Sometimes not having money is the right education to have. Makes you hungry.

  3. 444 says:

    Welcome to feeling old when you’re not even old because the younger cousins (or in my case, my sister’s kids!) are growing up and becoming young adults. Nothing like younger young adults, huh? ;o)

    The story proves that everyone does not have to have every extracurricular activity and enrichment class possible to achieve academically and prevail career-wise and economically eventually.

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