By: Revanche

Note: Construction and Dust

July 17, 2012

By the by, rather belatedly, I should note that if you haven’t noticed, we’ve been under construction hereabouts.

The wonderful @cthulhuchick has helped me move this blog from its old home at Blogger and the old URL at to self-hosted WordPress and a brandspankin’ new URL:

If I’m on your blogroll, I would greatly appreciate it if you’d be so kind as to update it. The transition wasn’t totally seamless, of course, and some people noticed a few oddities on the morning of, for which I apologize but by and large it was incredibly smooth for a transition that could have been rough’n’tumble.

If you notice anything else that is strange and remains unfixed, do feel free to drop a line here and let me know!

4 Responses to “Note: Construction and Dust”

  1. Updating your link now!

    Also, I’m guessing you know this, but your background cuts off halfway down the page. And I would remove the Meta widget from the sidebar – just makes it that much easier for hackers to try to break in. (Okay, stopping myself now before I sound like an ass.) Just trying to help!

    • Revanche says:


      And don’t stop now, any notes you have are welcomed and in fact, solicited! I am slowly revamping instead of doing a full reveal when it’s all done because otherwise, nothing would happen until 2015. šŸ˜›

  2. Done! šŸ™‚ Looks great šŸ˜€

  3. Finally updated because I am a slacker! šŸ™‚ Also – it’s lovely over here. Bravo!!

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