By: Revanche

Rest and Reclamation

August 1, 2012

The moments that rejuvenate our souls are far too limited.

Time for discovery, rest, memory creation and enjoyment is restricted. For us, only the weekends and only those few weekends when we’re not traveling for work, for other people, for something else, or full up with chores and every other necessary fact of life, are “free”.

I knew I’d gone stale but it wasn’t until we came back from Comic Con and I felt the tiniest trickle of creative energy coming back, my brain energized and stimulated from steeping in the sheer power of so many creators, artists, writers and thinkers despite my overwhelming fatigue that it felt like any little bit would make a difference.

The problem was clear, but the solution wasn’t so much, especially when even the effort to do fun things felt like too much.

Still, it didn’t seem like the worst idea to venture across our thresholds to taste a bit of the world.  While I meditate on my next big steps, getting out and living real life makes a difference.

We were horrified to see this machine eating up the walls of our long time grocery store … it turns out they’re making way for a bigger and better version of it.

The lack of good affordable sushi in my life here has felt like sensory deprivation. There’s a place in Southern California that I used to frequent with a good friend where we’d fill up on some of the freshest fish for about $20. Fish for the frugal soul, I tell you!

This was the first reasonably priced, good quality combination fish sashimi plate we’ve found in the area. Score!

There’s something so soul-warming about an amazing bowl of ramen. I could say nearly the same thing about a mediocre bowl of ramen, really. Ramen is such a childhood staple, it nearly doesn’t matter how good it is.

Measuring about 12 inches across, the Super Shoyu Ramen bowl would loom over your shoulder if it weren’t in a bowl. Full of yummy noodley goodness, I’d still go with a mini super shoyu next time for sanity’s sake. This took two of us to finish.

It starts to feel more possible to find one’s center with a full belly and sun-warmed toes.

11 Responses to “Rest and Reclamation”

  1. StackingCash says:

    Like! Thumbs up! 🙂 Ramen and sushi are my favs! Then again all food is…

    There comes a point in one’s life to become super selfish. Sacrifice is good and all but ultimately in this life very few will be sacrificing themselves for you. Enough is enough, I say! YOLO! 😛

    • Revanche says:

      Food is amazing. True that few(er) will sacrifice for each other but something I have learned is that perhaps a surprising number of people will be supportive, I have found, from unlooked for sources. That’s definitely something to appreciate.

  2. Ms. S says:

    Glad you got a respite. They are definitely necessary to refresh the soul.

  3. kim says:

    Love ramen! Which sushi place is this in So Cal? Please share! Thanks.

  4. Ohh yum, viewing that gi-normous bowl of Ramen just made me gluttonously hungry. Sun-warmed toes and ramen. Mmm, heavenly… good luck with reacquiring your center.

  5. I’m a huge ramen enthusiast.

  6. Mmm. Your sushi looks delicious. *tummy rumbles*

  7. […] went to Comic Con, and the break from routine did her good. Check out the awesome food fotos! The ramen on steroids looks toooo die […]

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