By: Revanche

On Valentine’s Weekends

February 18, 2014

I’ve mentioned before, we’re not your normal romantic people so the usual sentiments aren’t really my bag. I can’t remember when we actually chose to “celebrate” Valentine’s Day, probably back in the early dawn of our dating days, when he still brought me flowers every month.Ā  Ever so sentimental, I enjoyed this for a while but then asked him to save his money.Ā  šŸ™‚


Nowadays, we’ve been happiest spending the night in with a
good movie, good Dog, good food, and good pajamas.

This year, inasmuch as I was looking forward to anything, I was anticipating a quiet weekend, logging lots of work hours, maybe trying a new recipe or two. Oh and updating our Net Worth – excitement!Ā  But none of that happened.

Instead, PiC had something come up and rather than send him on a trip alone, in the dark, overnight, I decided I’d just go with him and work from the road.Ā  Couldn’t tell you why I had a problem with his riding the night bus (which always makes me think of the Harry Potter Knight Bus) really, but I did.

So we hit the road together, with an extra excited Dog, for a short weekend of errands. That night, we shared take out from In’n’Out, and hung out in a hotel room watching tv (hm), working (me), and guarding (Dog).

Budget Bonus: We found a hotel overnight stay special for less than $100, and redeemed a free night’s stay at another hotel so our lodgings cost just about $100 for the whole weekend.Ā  We managed to stay way from blowing big bucks on meals out, just having modest dinners that ran about $20 per night and had free breakfast at the hotel. +5 for not blowing a big chunk of our travel budget for an unplanned trip.

Oh, also, he got me two roses, one from each of the boys, and donuts. Because love tastes like donuts.

Sometimes home really is where the heart is. Other times, it’s just where you hide out from the rest of the increasingly annoying world. šŸ˜‰

P.S. Geeky love songs are the best. I grew up on cheesy 80s power ballads and believe me, I recognize their ultimate cheesiness even as I enjoy them, but when someone makes the effort to take inspiration from something I enjoy in the geek world and renders melodic magic from it, well, that’s entirely something else.

Cover of Sam Hart’s Mario Kart Love Song by adrisaurus

Original: Sam Hart’s Mario Kart Love Song

3 Responses to “On Valentine’s Weekends”

  1. saverspender says:

    Impromptu plans are sometimes the best. šŸ™‚ Sounds like you had a really nice evening.

  2. eemusings says:

    Yum, donuts.

    My current taste of love would be a good burrito. Mmmm.

  3. This is my first time hearing the Mario Kart Love song. It’s wonderful! šŸ˜€
    Also… Mmm. Donuts.

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