By: Revanche

Sun-time, Fun-time: Come geek out with me!

March 19, 2014

GUESS WHAT WE DID. Go on, guess.


On a beautiful, nearly Southern California-like day, we went to the Star Wars Special Exhibit at the Tech Museum in San Jose!  It. Was. Awesome.


There were dozens of exhibits: many of them interactive, all of them beautiful. I sat and learned about Hoth and the filming thereof, there were great video clips from the creators like Irvin Kershner (who I’ve actually met before!) describing how the crew filmed the Hoth scenes in Norway.

A snowstorm had come through before they were meant to film, so they pointed the camera out the back door of the hotel, and made Mark Hamill go stumbling through the snow alone. The rest of the crew sat safe and snug inside. 🙂

There was even a model landspeeder to drive! You betcha we hopped on that for a couple of rounds. There’s something to be said for going to museums during off hours.


Things I learned: I’m taller than a jawa, shorter than Darth Vader. They filmed the ships using huge models, I couldn’t fit the entire model into the frame there! that took 2-4 people to lift and move. We also experimented with MagLev and programmed those little robots to walk around.

And of course, to take us out….

The view from the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

I hate to admit it but the Millenium Falcon Experience (an extra $5) was actually kind of disappointing and not just because it cost more money.

Tickets were $48 for two, with a AAA discount ($3 off per admission).

Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention this goes away after March 23rd.

4 Responses to “Sun-time, Fun-time: Come geek out with me!”

  1. NZ Muse says:

    Dude, that’s a THING? Awesomeness.

  2. That is super cool! O_O!

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