By: Revanche

Weekend Would-You-Rathers

April 13, 2014

We had a lively Saturday and nowΒ Doggle and I are crashed out, me with about 25% mobility, him with wondering why I’m taking five times longer to fill his water bowl while he stares at it, pointedly. Probably I’m the servant he would fire to make a point.

Left to its own devices, my brain wants to know if you’d rather….

Handwash dishes, or use the dishwasher?

Have a robot vacuum, risking a SkyNet/Cylon invasion one day, or just live in a dirty house for weeks?

Use an electric toothbrush or regular toothbrush?

Live with less traffic and few friends to visit or have Carmageddon be your norm with lots of friends?

Have a life of adventure or sense of adventure?

Be able to sing one song really well or whistle anything really well?

Hang out with Laurence Fishburne or Mads Mikkelsen for a day?

Spend 6 months traveling your own country, or 6 weeks traveling internationally? Solo or with the whole family?

17 Responses to “Weekend Would-You-Rathers”

  1. Handwash dishes, or use the dishwasher? DISHWASHER

    Have a robot vacuum, risking a SkyNet/Cylon invasion one day, or just live in a dirty house for weeks? ROBOT VACUUM

    Use an electric toothbrush or regular toothbrush? ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH

    Live with less traffic and few friends to visit or have Carmageddon be your norm with lots of friends? LESS TRAFFIC, FEW FRIENDS (BUT GOOD ONES)

    Have a life of adventure or sense of adventure? SENSE OF ADVENTURE

    Be able to sing one song really well or whistle anything really well? SING ONE SONG REALLY WELL

    Hang out with Laurence Fishburne or Mads Mikkelsen for a day? MADS!

    Spend 6 months traveling your own country, or 6 weeks traveling internationally? Solo or with the whole family? 6 WEEKS TRAVELING INTERNATIONALLY WITH THE WHOLE FAMILY (assuming it isn’t truly my whole family but BF and Baby..) Otherwise, SOLO.

    • Revanche says:

      I wouldn’t inflict your whole family on you. BF & Baby Bun are totally your nuclear family now πŸ™‚

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Don’t have a dishwasher, but DISHWASHER


    Have never actually used an electric toothbrush. Hmm.

    Fewer friends, less traffic.

    Oooh toughie. I guess a *sense* of adventure?

    I cannot whistle at all but I’d go with singing anyway.

    Don’t know who Mads is, so Fishburne?

    6 weeks internationally. Love NZ but I’ve seen a lot of it and 6 months is a loooong time for a tiny country.

    • Revanche says:

      Mads: villain from one of the Bond movies (help me out here y’all, which one?) & currently Hannibal Lector on Hannibal.

      • Katie C. says:

        I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses to this! Fun post! πŸ™‚

        Assuming I have enough dishes to fill the dishwasher, I’d rather use the dishwasher. (Even if we couldn’t fill it after one meal, I’d rather leave plates in there out of sight until it could be filled and turned on. We had a dishwasher growing up, and I miss it so much! As is evidenced by the pile of dirty dishes in our sink.)

        Robot vacuum. Already have one, and it is awesome.

        Electric toothbrush! I used a regular one growing up, but after I moved out, Mom stuffed my Christmas stocking with an electric one. Life has never been the same! I like it because it has a two minute timer and vibrates when it’s time to stop brushing, but it also makes me teeth feel super clean (and white!) compared to the regular toothbrushes I’ve used.

        Less traffic and few friends. Though I’d love to live near youuuuu, I already live in moderate traffic (though probably considered less by your standard) with few friends, and its perfect for my homebody ways.

        Sense of adventure!

        I’d like to be able to whistle. I can’t do it at all, and I think if I could sing one song really well I’d sing it all the time and get sick of it.

        Fishburne. I haven’t watched Hannibal, but Mikkelsen was such a creepy bad guy in Casino Royale (the Bond movie title you’re looking for).

        Travel is the toughest question! I’m going with 6 weeks international travel with David. (If I had to choose between literally the entire family or solo, I’d choose solo without a second thought.) I could definitely put 6 months of U.S. travel to good use – especially since I’d love to go on a cross-country road trip someday – but I think I’d get homesick in a hurry.

        • Revanche says:

          Travel: I’ll allow you to define family. πŸ™‚

          Dishwasher: I think about our conversation about the efficiencies every time I wash a plate now.

          I want to pick and choose some friends to have located nearby but that’s selfish isn’t it? “Come live by ME because I SAID SO.”

  3. Michael says:

    Robot Vacuum
    Regular Toothbrush
    Sense of Adventure
    Whistle Anything
    Neither, don’t care for celebrities.
    6 weeks of traveling my own country alone. Though visiting friends along the way.


    • Michael says:

      Missed one.
      Few friends and less traffic.

    • Revanche says:

      D’you know I’m generally the same way when it comes to fame but I think these two have an interesting depth and life experience. Makes me curious on that front what they’d have to say.

  4. Kris says:

    Dirty house. NO CYLONS.
    Regular toothbrush
    Less traffic and few friends
    Sense of adventure
    Laurence Fishburne
    6 months traveling own country, with chosen family? That an option?

  5. SP says:

    Handwash dishes, or use the dishwasher? Dishwasher, how is this even a debate? Do you know someone who would choose hand wash?

    Have a robot vacuum, risking a SkyNet/Cylon invasion one day, or just live in a dirty house for weeks? Robot vacuum.

    Use an electric toothbrush or regular toothbrush? Elecrric, but i use regular because I’m cheap and only bought one electric one for my husband.

    Live with less traffic and few friends to visit or have Carmageddon be your norm with lots of friends? Carmageddon with lots of friends (if “lots” is adjusted for my personality type to mean the maximum number I need to feel happy with my social life). If not adjusted, then less traffic and a few good friends. We are kind of in a less traffic and NO close friends near by situation, and I’m really not into that.

    Have a life of adventure or sense of adventure? Both, but I guess having to choose, sense of adventure.

    Be able to sing one song really well or whistle anything really well? Sing, because I can’t whistle at all and it hasn’t made an impact.

    Hang out with Laurence Fishburne or Mads Mikkelsen for a day? Um…. Who are these people? I’m such a failure at pop culture.

    Spend 6 months traveling your own country, or 6 weeks traveling internationally? Solo or with the whole family? I think internationally, but I could do a lot with 6 months in the US, so it is really hard to say…. With the family, meaning T.

  6. Handwash dishes, or use the dishwasher?
    Dishwasher… But since I don’t have one, I handwash.

    Have a robot vacuum, risking a SkyNet/Cylon invasion one day, or just live in a dirty house for weeks?
    Neither? I LOVE vaccuming!

    Use an electric toothbrush or regular toothbrush?
    Regular toothbrush!

    Live with less traffic and few friends to visit or have Carmageddon be your norm with lots of friends?
    I only have a few friends anyhow…

    Have a life of adventure or sense of adventure?

    Be able to sing one song really well or whistle anything really well?

    Hang out with Laurence Fishburne or Mads Mikkelsen for a day?

    Spend 6 months traveling your own country, or 6 weeks traveling internationally? Solo or with the whole family?
    Six weeks traveling internationally by myself. (I love my family but they’d drive me insane.)

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