By: Revanche

Weekend Would-You-Rathers 2: Geeks at Home Edition

April 20, 2014

The anticipation of getting to go watch Captain America 2 in the theater 2 weeks after release (so we can use our Silver AMC movie passes!) has carried me through a few weeks of feeling less than human.

My brain wants to know if you’d rather….

Follow Captain Mal and Zoey into a caper, or be the Jarvis to Tony Stark’s Iron Man?

Do all the laundry your way, or have it all done by someone else according to how they think it should be done?

Be smothered by a cat’s affection or ostracized by a dog?

Be stocked up on nonfat milk, skim milk, whole milk or chocolate milk?  You can only pick one.

Pay $9 (!!!) for matinee movie tickets and wait in line to get your seat or pay $14 (!!!) for both your ticket and a reserved seat at any time?

Have a toaster or toaster oven?

Disneyland or DisneyWorld?

Garlic fries or buttered popcorn?

14 Responses to “Weekend Would-You-Rathers 2: Geeks at Home Edition”

  1. Kris says:

    OK, can’t resist:

    Follow Captain Mal and Zoey into a caper, or be the Jarvis to Tony Stark’s Iron Man? – Mal & Zoey, obvs. Or maybe just Mal, with some privacy.

    Do all the laundry your way, or have it all done by someone else according to how they think it should be done? – someone else, as long as it’s clean. Am lazy.

    Be smothered by a cat’s affection or ostracized by a dog? – I don’t know how to respond to this.

    Be stocked up on nonfat milk, skim milk, whole milk or chocolate milk? You can only pick one. – nonfat milk and skim milk are the same thing. So either one of those is fine.

    Pay $9 (!!!) for matinee movie tickets and wait in line to get your seat or pay $14 (!!!) for both your ticket and a reserved seat at any time? – Those are cheap prices in DC, but I go to more matinees.

    Have a toaster or toaster oven? Toaster oven – multitasker

    Disneyland or DisneyWorld? – Disneyworld overall, but I’ve never been to Disneyland so I don’t really know.

    Garlic fries or buttered popcorn? Popcorn.

    • Revanche says:

      Ooh la la! 😉 I think we both knew what YOUR answer would be, though. Always Mal.

      We define skim as 1 or 2% here.

  2. SP says:

    Follow Captain Mal and Zoey into a caper, or be the Jarvis to Tony Stark’s Iron Man?
    Um, not sure who these people are, so I choose whoever you would choose, deferring to your wisdom.

    Do all the laundry your way, or have it all done by someone else according to how they think it should be done?
    Generally someone else, assuming they are competent and their way doesn’t destroy my clothes. (I feel like I’ve asked T this questions when he complains that only *I* lose socks.)

    Be smothered by a cat’s affection or ostracized by a dog?
    Dog, I think. It is usually the other way, huh? Cats are the aloof ones, dogs are supposed to love with no question!

    Be stocked up on nonfat milk, skim milk, whole milk or chocolate milk? You can only pick one.

    Pay $9 (!!!) for matinee movie tickets and wait in line to get your seat or pay $14 (!!!) for both your ticket and a reserved seat at any time?
    This is tough. I think $14, except if it is two of us, that makes even more of a difference…. In reality, wait for it to come out on the internet and rent it online. 🙂

    Have a toaster or toaster oven?
    Toaster oven seems more useful, but I have a toaster (that we very rarely use), and I’m sticking with the inertia of that.

    Disneyland or DisneyWorld?
    Disney world

    Garlic fries or buttered popcorn?
    Fries, for sure.

    • Revanche says:

      (I feel like I’ve asked T this questions when he complains that only *I* lose socks.)
      We specialize in real world questions, if not solutions 🙂

    • Revanche says:

      P.S. I think we may have to have a talk about your not knowing Captain Mal& Zoey / Jarvis&Tony Stark 🙂

  3. Robyn says:

    Mal and Zoe for the win!
    Laundry my way. OCD for the win?
    Cat affection if that’s the friendly animal.
    Skim milk. Being out of milk is what finally drives me to the grocery store.
    I guess $9 for the matinee. No reserved seats where I live.
    Am waiting for my toaster to die so I can buy a toaster oven with more functions.
    Disneyland, I guess, though have never been to either.
    Popcorn. Just ate popcorn. Craving more.

    • Revanche says:

      OCD is allowed to win.
      Affection, in this case, is defined as tolerable friendliness. Not some weird claws-out sort of thing.
      Poor toaster. Just being tolerated 🙂

  4. 1. Be the Jarvis to Tony Stark’s Iron Man?
    2. Have it all done by someone else according to how they think it should be done?
    3. Be smothered by a cat’s affection (assuming my allergies do not come into play)
    4. Whole milk! You can always add syrup to it to make chocolate milk
    5. Pay $9 (!!!) for matinee movie tickets and wait in line to get your seat
    6. Toaster oven. I don’t eat toast.
    7. DisneyWorld.. I have only been to Disneyland..
    8. Garlic fries because I hate popcorn.

    • Revanche says:

      You hate popcorn! I didn’t know that! I also didn’t know you don’t eat toast … I think.
      Real world question follow-up: would you take Baby Bun when he’s still smallish or wait?

  5. Katie C. says:

    Jarvis is pretty awesome, but I’m gonna go with Captain Mal and Zoey.

    My way! I’m picky about being not-picky… Like, I don’t use any detergent, and I wash everything in one load with cold water. So I have specific requirements I want followed, but they’re requirements that make the process easier! Also, I put a lot of my stuff in the dryer but not all of it, so I’m picky about what gets dried and what doesn’t.

    Smothered by a cat! I have been ignored by Mom’s pups before, and being ignored by pups is the worst thing ever. “WHY DON’T YOU LOOOOOOOOOVE MEEEEEEE?!”

    Hm! I don’t drink much milk, but when I do I use skim milk. So I’ll go with that one. (Even though I had a coworker who believed skim milk was “watered down milk” and after accidentally buying whole milk, drinking it for a week, and going back to skim, I had to agree with her.)

    $9. The last time I went to a matinee movie, I did a double take at the cashier when she gave me the total.

    Toaster oven. I like toast, but because we don’t leave our toaster on the kitchen counter, I forget about its existence. (Full disclosure: I’ve never owned a toaster oven, but I use the oven about a zillion times more often than my toaster.)

    Must I pick one? I’m not really a Disney fan. I like amusement parks like Cedar Point – with really fast and scary rollercoasters – better. Also Disney is really expensive (in my limited experience of walking around Downtown Disney in Florida.) But if you forced me to pick, I’d pick Disney World because there’s SO MUCH to do/see there.

    I’ve never tried garlic fries. They sound fantastic, but I’ll have to go with buttered popcorn until I’ve tried them.

    • Revanche says:

      Picky about not being picky – I think that is picky about doing it minimally 🙂

      There is a huge difference between whole and skim milk, definitely!

      I’d forgotten that Disneyland has rides so I assume DWorld has bigger ones?

  6. Jarvis. I’d be a know-it-all! 😀
    As long as it’s clean and not wrecked, someone else can do it. Hahaha.
    If you mean, ostracized as in ignored, then the dog option please. If barking, then cat.
    Skim milk please.
    I rather pay the $14. (WAY cheaper than Toronto prices… Reserved seating is like $20. A regular movie is $12. And the matinee is $5.)
    Toaster. Toaster ovens make no sense to me. This is what ovens are for!
    Disneyland (as I went to DisneyWorld already.)

    • Revanche says:

      No barking. Noooo barking!
      Toaster ovens are awesome for heating something that’s not microwavable but not big enough to warrant firing up the big oven.

  7. NZ Muse says:

    I don’t know who Mal and Zoey are :/

    Not fussed. Lazy, so probably have someone else do it their way.

    Probably ostracised. I feel smothered very easily.

    Whole milk.

    Either would work. Tickets here are like $20 now so both are a bargain in comparison.

    Toaster oven.

    I dunno … been to Disneyland so maybe Disneyworld?

    YOU ARE KILLING ME. I guess I’ll go with garlic fries.

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