By: Revanche

Weekend Would-You-Rathers 3: Health & Fitness Edition

April 27, 2014

I just treated Doggle to a longer than usual walk on a bum knee, and indulged myself in ten minutes of vacuuming because I’ve not been up to a good proper housecleaning in weeks despite my love of cleaning and a clean house. It almost makes me miss the days when work was so stressful, I’d rage-clean and not feel it for at least a few hours.

While I’m flopped here trying to absorb as much rest as I can …

My brain wants to know if you’d rather:

Have the use of only your arms or only your legs?

Be able to do 50 pushups or 100 sit ups?

Have amazing aim and never miss at darts or have great balance and dancing rhythm?

Eat perfectly healthily for 6 days and anything you want for 1 day, or have good food 7 days a week with a little treat each day?

Have pancakes for breakfast or waffles for dinner?

Have an hour of free help per month to: cook, clean or wash your windows?

Pay to get help around the house and scrimp on the travel budget, or do it all yourself and go anywhere you want, when you want?

8 Responses to “Weekend Would-You-Rathers 3: Health & Fitness Edition”

  1. Have the use of only your arms
    100 sit ups
    Great balance and dancing rhythm
    Good food 7 days a week with a little treat each day
    Have pancakes for breakfast
    Have an hour of free help per month to: clean
    Do it all yourself and go anywhere you want, when you want

  2. eemusings says:

    Just arms.

    Either would be an improvement for me.

    Great dancing!

    Good food 7 days a week with a little treat each day

    Pancakes always.

    An hour to clean.

    DIY and free travel šŸ™‚

  3. Karen says:

    I think just arms
    100 pushups (which, if I only have use of my arms, they’d be pretty strong….however I couldn’t maintain pushup position if my legs do not work).
    Have great balance and dancing rhythm. I’m klutzy
    Eat perfectly healthily for 6 days and anything you want for 1 day
    Waffles for dinner. Not a fan of pancakes.
    Have an hour of free help per month to: cook. I think.
    DIY and travel, when and where

  4. Mary says:

    If I had to pick – arms.

    Push ups.

    Balance and dancing rhythm, but I’d want my husband to get that too!
    Good food and a treat every day!

    Actually, pancakes for dinner – that was a treat for the family when Dad was gone overnight LOL.

    I’m greedy, an hour a month of free help – would ask for rotation of clean, cook, wash windows, then repeat! If only one – clean, please.

    Heck yes, diy and travel anywhere and any time!

  5. Kris says:

    Pushups – more multi-functional and will get you better abs/core strength than the situps, too.
    Great aim
    Little treat each day
    Waffles for dinner
    Can the last one be a tie? I can’t choose

  6. None of the above, except for item 4: eat well 7 days a week, with small treats every day.

  7. Katie C. says:

    Definitely arms.

    50 pushups since arms are more visible than abs but also because I’m pretty sure I’ve read that sit ups are bad for your back.

    Great balance and dancing rhythm. Though having perfect aim would mean I’d actually hit David when I throw something at home (socks or something, not a hot frying pan) instead of going wide by two feet…

    Good food 7 days a week with a little treat every day. I used this method to lose weight in 2011/2012, and it kept me from going WAY overboard on the “cheat” day. Plus, I just stay more motivated to eat healthy every day if I know there’s a little treat waiting for me at the end.


    Cook! Cleaning can wait until I feel well enough to get around to it (Although I love a clean house, it’s not something I fret over as much as I used to.), but I need help with cooking badly.

    Do it all yourself and go anywhere you want, when you want!

    • Katie C. says:

      Whoops, meant throw something at him*, not at home. I should really proofread my comments more closely. šŸ˜‰

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