By: Revanche

On the road to parenthood: notes from the third trimester

February 6, 2015

FYI: Not all of these LB-related posts will be in real time.

Full body rolls. Hellboy fists (knees?). Thrilla in Manila flurries of punching, kicking and flailing. Attempts to clamber up and excavate my ribs. Probes at the belly button like it’s a skylight and exit. This child had better be an athlete directly out of the womb.

There’s possibly nothing more convincing that I have next to no true control over this pregnancy and how it progresses aside from taking care of myself as best I can, as suddenly experiencing and watching a critter moving around inside me. I haven’t been steering any ship, I haven’t actively shepherded this growth situation. I’m almost just a person with a sidecar attached. It goes where I go and eats what I eat but otherwise …

And yet all this while, LB has been baking into an actual human with tiny limbs and opinions about which way we should be oriented, or whatΒ  the best thing to eat or drink is.Β  At each check up, the doctor says, approvingly, everything appears normal and we’re “measuring exactly right” and it feels like validation but I don’t know what that really means. I expect it doesn’t matter as long as LB continues to grow and move around.

It’s continually surprising that while I’m basically living life: working, cleaning, trying to drink a lot of water, eat healthily and be a little more active than usual, there is a micro-universe in my abdominal region.

Which begs the question, where the hell have my abs gone? Not in a “where’s my six pack?” way. Or not solely that anyway, but when I sneeze, or try to sit up, which should normally activate the core muscles, there’s just this scary half clenchy feeling like my abs took off and left a gone fishing note behind. It also takes on this creepy cone shape and frightens the hell out of witnesses.

I’d been mostly lucky: I passed the 3 hour gestational diabetes test with distinction, I gained weight slowly and responsibly so my doctor quit cautioning me about rate of gain.

Then again: there were other issues. The fatigue continually compounded, constant infections that the doctor chalked up to stress, getting a cold-plague three days after getting the flu shot, then follow that up with the rash from hell.

This endeavor remains one of the toughest marathon projects I’ve ever committed to.

Still, things tick along. I get bigger and slower and more tired (how? HOW is that possible?) with every passing week and some days PiC stops in his tracks with a “whoa. You grew again.” It’s true. I did.

There’s a strange smidgen of pride that this is really happening, even if I’m not having any fun, that my broken body stepped up to the plate instead of refusing to engage. I really had no control over that, we had no idea if we’d be able to conceive given all the health issues I face.Β  There’s also the occasional flutter of panic, born of my control for the sake of sanity personality, that things are about to undergo an upheaval the likes of which we’ve never experienced. There’s some curiosity about who this little person is and will become.

I catch myself mourning Doggle, again and again, that he’d never meet his human sibling. He loved the smell of babies and all baby things, he’d have been in heaven sniffing over all the baby gear.

There’s a strong sense of mingled anticipation and nerves as the last weeks of the pregnancy seem to fall away like autumn leaves.

18 Responses to “On the road to parenthood: notes from the third trimester”

  1. Anne says:

    A “utarian” micro-universe that is 100% dependent upon you. Go you! It doesn’t sound like it’s been fun, but hey, the baby is still baking and the doctor says all is good… which is amazing πŸ™‚

  2. Sally says:

    Awww, this is so beautiful. Definitely be proud of your body for stepping up to the plate. Our bodies are amazing, even with their issues. Even though you want to control, I will be excited to see what changes for you as this new life enters your family.

  3. Sounds about right. Try to enjoy it as much as you can. In a few months you won’t be pregnant anymore. Which is a very weird thing to accept for some reason!

    • Revanche says:

      Hah I always look at people oddly when they say to “enjoy” it because it has been so rough but I’m starting to understand why. It WILL be weird since I only just started getting used to being pregnant πŸ™‚

  4. Good luck with the new kid. For me they are a bit too messy.

  5. Mary says:

    So glad things are going well – mostly! I do think that tired is a word we forget is attached to pregnant, you may notice it more than others because you’re more attuned to fatigue than many. After all making a new person is not an easy thing for the body to do. But really, really sorry about the rash from hell!
    Doggle is watching and enjoying, just not where you can see.
    Good luck and good health in these final weeks, along with a short and easy labor.

    • Revanche says:

      I might notice it more also because more fatigue always means more pain so double whammy!
      Sigh, you had to make me cry again, didn’t you? πŸ™‚ i sure do miss Doggle.
      Thanks for the good wishes!

  6. LOL! You ain’t seen nothin’ in the “I’m not in control” department. πŸ˜€ But that’s OK…no one’s really in control.

    How’s the Rash from Hell? I hope it at least settled down a bit, if it hasn’t gone away.

    It’s awesome that you’re still kicking, given your concerns about what pregnancy might lead to when layered on top of the existing health issues. Women rock, huh?

  7. Yay for all the growing on schedule! Boo for all the bad stuff! I’m excited for you and PiC to meet LB soon!

  8. It will all be worth it when your little bubba is with you πŸ™‚

  9. Leah says:

    Pregnancy truly is an alien feeling. My baby is 7 months now, and I still feel a disconnect. I got huge, and then somehow I had a baby. I’m relieved not to be pregnant anymore but think it will be okay to go through a time or two again.

    Good luck finishing up!

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