By: Revanche

Taking a pass: Valentine’s Day

February 2, 2015

The Frugalwoods beat me to this topic. šŸ™‚

I was on Twitter bragging on PiC, as usual, the other weekend.

This time it was because he made me breakfast in bed. No reason. The night before, he’d asked if I wanted to put in my breakfast order, and in response to my “You must be joking” face, he wrote up an awesome “room service menu”.Ā  He not only promptly fulfilled that breakfast order in the morning, he went to run errands so I could rest and then came home bearing the gifts of cinnamon rolls from a specialty grocery that Linda had just recommended on Twitter that very morning. Note: I’d just mentioned that it’d be nice to look out for them. That wasn’t a coded hint.

After I shared this, she jokingly said if we were on reality TV, I’d be the target for some good old fashioned catfighting.

Naturally I had to escalate the bragging and point out he’s not just this awesome to me but also to my good friends. He’s great about taking care of them as if they were his friends first when they’re visiting and as Exhibit A, called in SingleMa to attest to his awesome… only that backfired as she confessed to liking him better than she likes me. HARUMPH! He’s not even ON Twitter and Twitter is always on his side. Oh, to be so charmed.

[I’d say charming but I can’t characterize him as such since there’s some connotation in my head of that being a conscious effort or an intentional thing that is cultivated and the very charm of his wonderfulness is his consideration of others is sincere and instinctive and not at all calculated.]

But it warms my cold shriveled heart enough that I can almost forgive the fact that they’re always siding with or defending him on Twitter when I jokingly fight with him.

What’s my point? Other than the fact that I highly appreciate my fantastic spouse?

Valentine’s Day is coming up and, as usual, it will be observed in my traditionally avoid-it-entirely manner.

For one thing, it’s a Hallmark holiday. For another, wasting money on an overpriced meal out, flowers, and unnecessary gifts do not spell out L-O-V-E.

Forcing the fake romance is a surefire tactic to irritate the crap out of me:
First, by making me get dressed and leave the house. I choose to be a hermit for a reason.
Second, wasting time trying to park in the city because that’s always an exercise in not lobbing Molotov cocktails at horrible drivers. Mentally of course…. Just mentally…
Third, wasting money! Oooh the sin of wasting money! Money that could be buying me more comic books or another set of stocks.
Fourth, you can’t buy a healthy relationship. There’s nothing broken in a relationship that a Valentine’s dinner will fix. Just like marriage isn’t a bandaid for a relationship with commitment problems, Valentine’s Day isn’t the secular version of rogue Catholics selling indulgences. This doesn’t solve anything.

When everything is well, when you’ve put in the hard work to build a healthy relationship, there’s nothing a dozen dozen roses can say that a single one wouldn’t say just as eloquently.

I’ve said before, the truest path to my heart is not through opening the wallet, but through the little things that say you’re in this, together and wholeheartedly, whether that’s in a semi-crappy hotel room or safe and snug at home.

This time last year, we were a different and smaller family, soon to find out we were going to become parents to a wee human.

This time many years ago, we had just discovered each other, embarking on the start of a long road hand in hand.

This time many years hence, I hope we’ll be enjoying the fruits of our labor, with pride in our accomplishments: a happy healthy family, reflecting on meaningful careers, secure in our finances.

What is your Valentine’s (or anti-Valentine’s) wish and tradition?

19 Responses to “Taking a pass: Valentine’s Day”

  1. Well said. Obviously I totally agree with you :). And, I love your points about the work it takes to build a healthy relationship. A dozen roses is absolutely not a short-cut to a meaningful connection with your partner. It’s awesome that you two are enjoying the wonderful benefits of a truly connection partnership šŸ™‚

  2. This was very well put. We do celebrate Valentine’s Day, with a family breakfast, creating cards, and a special dinner (crab poutine again is the request aparently). We’ve gone out to dinner in the past, with a gift card, on a near-Valentine’s Day night. We like to participate, but if I ever think I need to buy his love, I’ll know something has gone terribly wrong with our relationship!

  3. Now that we have children, our tradition is to go, “CRAP. We need 30-odd valentines for both children’s schools by [Date]. How many kids are in DC2’s class again? Do we have a list of names for DC1’s class? Do we have to buy more? Crud.” And then depending on when we remember we either pick some up at the grocery store or make an emergency run to Walmart (which is the closest store to our house).

    • Revanche says:

      Haha I just got a reminder of Valentine life for parents from another friend too. But i do like the superhero Valentines… šŸ™‚

  4. s says:

    thanks for this post. i’m not celebrating valentine’s day for the first time in a while (i’m not really a fan of it anyway, either, for the same reasons). i totally agree that buying overpriced stuff and going out to dinner on valentines day doesn’t really solve anything (and can be kind of a hassle), and that healthy relationships can’t be bought. congrats to you and PiC for having a healthy relationship, independent of the hype of valentine’s day, lol. šŸ™‚

    • Revanche says:

      So much more a hassle when you’re venturing into the city IMO. I’m all for the cheap and easy fun, on more than just Valentine’s!

  5. Sense says:

    I now want to come out of anonymity JUST to meet PiC and assure myself that there ARE good guys out there. šŸ˜‰ Lucky lady! Glad you both found each other. <3

    I have no traditions for VD day; I've hated it even when there is a guy in the picture! Like you, abhor the hoopla and pressure around forced gestures that don't usually amount to much. I mostly try to ignore all the nonsense around me on the day. I usually call my dad because he likes to tell me how awesome I am on VD (when I lived at home, he gave all of his girls flowers and chocolates on the day). šŸ™‚ This year, I found a Grabone deal for a haircut and massage and the spa/salon was surprisingly available on the 14th! Guess no one is getting their hair did for the big Saturday night out? Oh well, more time for me to pamper myself! šŸ™‚

    • Revanche says:

      They absolutely exist, I promise. Just gotta be super picky, I think, so you don’t waste your time on lesser specimen šŸ˜‰ if anyone’s worth peeking out for, I’d say PiC is. I’m sure he’d be terribly embarrassed if he knew what a big deal i was making of him
      I love that you found that deal though – THAT is a proper way to spend the day.

  6. Sally says:

    Exactly. Valentine’s Day is a non-issue for us, I’ve never worried too much about it, and my partner knows the 12-pack of Ferrerro Rocher will make me as happy as anything else. I don’t think a relationship works if you’re only sentimental on the holidays- Christmas, Valentine’s Day and…Flag Day? You know what I mean. Who needs Valentines when you have a partner who is there and in it for the long run. Plus since we’ve both worked in restaurants, we tend to avoid them every single Mother’s Day, Valentine’s and New Years and any other “big nights”. It’s better to have a big night whenever you feel like it!

    • Revanche says:

      Hehe such a good point- i always feel a bit for the restaurant workers, that must be a rough day for them. And what IS Flag Day? I swear I’ve seen it on a calendar before and I have no clue what it celebrates.

  7. Anne says:

    Dood! PiC definitely wins bragging about for that breakfast trick. I should not-so-subtly text my spouse the link to this post!

  8. […] example, Revanche’s partner is winning, with his breakfast in bed menu this past week. Ā Solid move, […]

  9. Leah says:

    My only nod to V-day is buying something for my husband that we’ve been meaning to buy anyway (a new olive oil pouring thingie, because our old one broke).

    He bought me a $5 singing valentine at school (we are both teachers). Funny, sweet, and supporting a student fundraiser. Though not required, being a “team player” in school events helps make work easier, and we get back more than we spend through all the free entertainment in sports events, plays, concerts, etc. Our school often brings in outside groups, so there are some really good concerts we see for free.

  10. OFG says:

    We pass on Valentine’s Day too. In fact, for a few years we held an annual financial meeting instead. I can’t seem to find the blog post where I talk about that, but I did find the results of our original meeting: My friends thought I was nuts when I told them we sat down to discuss money instead of spending it šŸ™‚

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