By: Revanche

Life lessons from Star Trek: Voyager

March 25, 2015


Discovery: I still really love Star Trek: Voyager.

From the very first, I loved Janeway. She was tough, she cared about her crew and wanted to hear feedback that she could act on even if it challenged her expectations. She was openminded while maintaining focus.

Over the years, I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to punch your way through. – Captain Janeway

There’s a time for tact, there’s a time for getting shit done. The trick is knowing the difference.

Did you ever consider allowing the Ocampa to care for themselves? … Children have to grow up … It’s the challenge of surviving on their own that allows them to evolve. – Captain Janeway

This is the fight I’d had with my parents since I was 14. I don’t pretend to have all, or most, of the answers when it comes to parenting but when it came to my sibling, I was pretty sure I knew what was more likely to work with him. In the few years that they stepped back and left the handling of him to me? He came closest to being an adult, earning some kind of living, and not being a complete utter leech.

He soon reverted to form, though, so maybe I don’t know anything.

Misery loves company, Tuvok.

A thing we would do well to remember when miserable people are dragging you down with them.

“A daughter? I don’t have anything to teach a daughter.” – Neelix
“Why would it be any different for a daughter than a son? … I have three sons and one daughter. I can assure you she benefits as much from my presence and guidance as my sons do.” – Tuvok

Right on, Tuvok! I think we all know how I feel about this sort of sentiment.

Did you have a favorite Star Trek series? Do share šŸ™‚


6 Responses to “Life lessons from Star Trek: Voyager”

  1. My favourite show is TNG followed by DS9. I am emotionally attached to TNG because I love Data and Riker but in terms of character development and storytelling, I think DS9 was a bit better (as it had overarching stories and themes). I didn’t love Voyager but I liked it enough. Same with TOS. I enjoyed all interactions between Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty. Enterprise was good the first two seasons but not past that. Can you tell I’m a trekkie? šŸ˜€

    • Revanche says:

      I did love TNG sentimentally. I think Picard and Janeway are neck and neck my favorite captains and that’s influenced by the fact that I really like Patrick Stewart.

  2. Karen says:

    I haven’t seen any of them in years…but I’d watch them all. I loved that Voyager had a female Captain. And DS9 for a more diverse cast.

    Thanks for the memories šŸ™‚

  3. The Cosmic Avenger says:

    I think DS9 was my favorite, but Janeway may have been my favorite captain. She was the most real, the most fallible, somehow without being any less competent or strong.

    • Revanche says:

      Another vote for DS9. Pretty sure this calls for a rewatch.
      I agree with your assessment of Janeway. She had heart and competence both. So human and all the more admirable.

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