By: Revanche

My kid and toes: Notes from Month 5

July 15, 2015

Summer weather in summer months? In the Bay Area? This is confusing. We’ve had days of 80+ degree heat and it’s just not right.

In other news, LB is hir father’s child. When hot: Do Not Touch.


On the subject of touching: toes. Ze has toes and would like you to know that ze likes them, can grab them, and will occasionally mouth them. I flip between “Talent!” / “Showoff” / “Gross”


The developments seem to be more incremental in this month but the effect is huge. Ze suddenly managed flipping from belly to back again. Previously ze could turn hir head to follow sound but only did so selectively. Now ze is actively trying to figure out where certain sounds are coming from. Toys, or would-be toys (aka everything), are huge incentives – ze will work for ages to reach something crinkly.


Obviously, everything still goes into the mouth for taste testing and chewing. I’ve got three bruises on my arms from where ze latched on like a (toothless) moray eel and wouldn’t stop chomping. Moms are, apparently, delicious. This has led to some rather unfortunate painful biting incidents. Clearly empathy hasn’t developed yet because Ow! just elicits a big grin and sometimes a squeal.


I used to love the 3-month age best but 5 months is pretty awesome. Ze has opinions but they’re no longer all grouchy.


LB thinks that hair is the best handle a human adult can come with. Woe betide this kid who tries to latch hold of someone bald!  Watch out for these hands otherwise! Ze grabs hold of my hair every chance ze gets and yanks out at least three hairs a day. OW.


Handclapping has morphed from a scary thing to a hilarious thing. If I clap a rhythm, ze will grin and waggle hir eyebrows at me!


Seamus laid down in front of us on the rug one day, and LB decided ze wanted to try petting. They sniffed each other’s noses and then Seamus obligingly offered his head for inspection. LB was delighted with the muzzle, soft ear, and his neck, touching each inquisitively and then trying to grab on. Of course I stopped hir before ze administered the classic grab and twist, but he stayed stock still, patiently letting hir explore with hir little grubby fingers. My rule in these situations for safety and sanity is that Seamus is in charge of the interaction’s duration. Forcing him to put up with hir past his patience would be the biggest mistake. (Especially since his patience is so vast.)


Talon trimming update: Managed a FULL set of talons in one session. Ze was wiggly and kept yanking hir hand away but did not freak out, scream, or otherwise get upset.


This child clearly hasn’t learned empathy yet. When ze bit me while nursing, I said OW! and gave hir the “no” face. In all other things, when I give hir the no face, ze at least looks back soberly. Hir response after chomping on me? A wide gummy grin. Like I was playing. HRMPH.


Aside from my computer and all related cords, hir favorite new toy:

The Oball ball with rattle (click picture to buy at Amazon)


Baby Savings: Thanks to some generous gifts from family, diligent savings on our part, and not continuously paying for childcare(!), LB’s savings account has – holy crap, I didn’t even realize this – $25,000.00.  That’s freakin’ amazing. Of course, that’s before we deduct the cost of hir diapers, wipes, and formula. And penalty fees for pooping on us. It’s gonna take a hit for the poop. Also the penalty for being the Mayor of Fartopolis because holy moly are hir farts stinky.

Month 4: Velociraptor Claws
Month 3: Growth Spurts
Month 2: Hates sleep
Month 1: Banshee

7 Responses to “My kid and toes: Notes from Month 5”

  1. Karen says:

    Well, the toes should be fairly clean at 5 months, right? 🙂

    Yup, babies have amazing grips when it comes to pulling hair.

    “And penalty fees for pooping on us. It’s gonna take a hit for the poop.” hahaha

    • Revanche says:

      GENERALLY clean … 🙂

      I don’t know how I’d forgotten that they’re lightning fast when it comes to hair.

  2. […] Month 5: Toes Month 4: Velociraptor Claws Month 3: Growth Spurts Month 2: Hates sleep Month 1: Banshee […]

  3. […] 6: Becoming human Month 5: Toes Month 4: Velociraptor Claws Month 3: Growth Spurts Month 2: Hates sleep Month 1: […]

  4. […] Month 9: Tasting Life Month 8: Exploration Month 7: Ambulation Month 6: Becoming human Month 5: Toes Month 4: Velociraptor Claws Month 3: Growth Spurts Month 2: Hates sleep Month 1: […]

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