By: Revanche

O sunshiney day!

August 7, 2015

Abby at I Pick Up Pennies was kind enough to bestow upon me the Sunshine Blogger Award and tag me with some questions.

1. What’s the best thing you’ve purchased or been given in the past six months?

Honest first answer: I can’t remember.
Slightly more thoughtful second answer: 3-way tie between on sale t-shirts, a dress that I can actually wear for a semi-fancy event… (I can’t remember my 3rd but it was good! I swear!)

2. What’s your favorite snack? (No one gets to say fruit.)

But I love (some) fruit! Probably not my favorite, though. Honey roasted peanuts, then.

3. What form of exercise do you hate the most. (“All” is a perfectly acceptable answer.)

Anything that cripples me. I actually like exercise, in theory. I just hate when it puts me out of commission for days or weeks.

4. If you could afford/manage to live anywhere, where would it be?

A few small towns over, probably, for slightly better weather. Or, given the dire predictions about the next Big One in the Bay Area or the next Super Destructive Big One that should sink Seattle, maybe Colorado or Arizona? I like where we are, now, but the real estate market is terrible and it’s all liable to go smash when we have a real quake even if we could afford ridiculous prices.

5. What’s the geekiest hobby or pastime you have?

Being me. No, that’s not an answer. I need to chart progress on everything I do? I SDCC every year? I still stay up late reading comics when I can?

Over to y’all!

Want to answer the questions that Abby posed? You know you do! Make yourself at home in the comments!


If you’re so inclined to participate, I’d like to pass the award along with Abby’s questions to people who could probably answer them better 🙂

Save. Spend. Splurge.
Sense to Dollars
Budget and the Beach
Nicole & Maggie

13 Responses to “O sunshiney day!”

  1. Congrats on the award! I especially like your answer to number 5. “Being me” is a pretty hobby for me too!

  2. Oh California. I debate living here daily! It’s funny because living here for 12 year, the biggest earthquake I ever experiences till was the 2001 earthquake in Seattle. Go figure! Let’s just keep it that way.

  3. Oh how I wish I could attend SDCC one day!

  4. Kris says:

    The suspense at the end of number 1 is killing me, 😉

  5. Haha, I love what you said about exercising putting you out of commission!

  6. Sense says:

    Interesting answers! I am keen to participate. Will do this (if I remember) when I have time (after my work trips), thanks for the nom!

  7. Thanks for tagging us– our post will be up in a month or so, give or take. (We are both going to be insanely busy over the next couple months so we’ve been trying to get a backlog.)

  8. […] tagged by my very good friend Revanche to answer these […]

  9. […] gai shan life tagged us with questions.  Here are our […]

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