By: Revanche

The story of our water bill

January 27, 2016

January 2015

DROUGHT! DROUGHT! You must use less water because DROUGHT! If you don’t, we’ll be forced to fine you or charge higher rates for higher usage.

September 2015

Good job, you saved so much! The state will now not fine us for being wasteful.

December 2015

Because you used so little water this year, we didn’t collect enough money to cover our costs so we’re charging you 15% more.

January 2016

Use less water! Oh by the way, your bill is 20% higher.

Me: ……

12 Responses to “The story of our water bill”

  1. Money Beagle says:

    That’s the same story we had here. We didn’t have a drought but have had a couple of pretty rainy summers so water consumption was down…and as a reward they raised the bills 10-12% last year because they have to still cover all the fixed costs.

    It’s like, why even bother….

  2. Whaaaaa? Someone needs to go smack that city department around a bit.

  3. On the plus side, you’d probably have to pay even more if you’d used more water.

  4. s. says:

    This is the never ending story of California. You could replace water with gasoline or electricity.

  5. Linda says:

    Ugh! I’ve heard of others having that same issue. So far so good here, although I’ve pretty much always used not much water. Now that we’ve been getting regular rain the irrigation system is turned off, and since I’m not allowed to take baths yet I’m not wallowing in a big tub of hot water. Those are the only two things that use a lot of water in this household.

    • Revanche says:

      Hope it stays that way for you!
      I stopped enjoying baths last year because of the drought, I didn’t miss it TOO much until winter started again.

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