By: Revanche

TGIF: A toast!

April 1, 2016

TGIF: A toast to the weekend, shall we? Since the eye injury, Seamus is no longer my friend. Not because I poked him in the eye! I didn’t!

But I am the evil one who administers the pain meds that taste like bitter old shoes (we ran out of pill pockets again, way to go Supplies Manager Me) and puts goop in his eye three times a day, faithfully. Our relationship may never recover, and he’s been taking his revenge via recalcitrance and really foul farts.

Dog gods help us all if this goes on longer than a week.


Ye baneful cough lingers and lingers but I can (and did) skip for uncontainable joy yesterday when I realized I could breathe through my nose again. Sinuses! It’s been months! I love you, never forsake me again.


Vehicle numero dos has not yet made an appearance in our lives but we reached a tricky stage in a possible offer. If it’s meant to be, it will be, Zen me says.

(Anxiety me wants to bop Zen me over the head and offer her up as a sacrifice to the Used Car gods. Anxiety me is shameless and kind of a jerk.)

We fervently hope it’s meant to be, shuttling two critters around for their appointments in opposite directions in one car eats up all kinds of time.


Movement on the refinance! It’s been stalled for who knows why for months now, and we’re finally getting communication again! Wheeeee!


Happy weekend, y’all! Fun for everyone!


2 Responses to “TGIF: A toast!”

  1. Linda says:

    Eye injury?! I must have missed that post or tweet! I thought dogs loved the taste of bitter old shoes. :/

    Glad to hear your sinuses are clear, even if the lungs are still icked up. It’s the weekend! Rest!!

    • Revanche says:

      I didn’t have a chance to blog about it but it was a quick turnaround: hurt it on Friday, had him seen on Saturday, a week of meds and I think it’s all better!

      Alas, it was a jampacked weekend but managed to get a few hours of rest in. The cough is improving, yay!

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