By: Revanche

My kid and notes from Year 1.4

June 15, 2016

My kid and learning to communicate like a human: signs, not shouts!Hide the china!

LB is walking, wobbly and wiggly and waggly, on hir own. Somewhere, ze also acquired stealth mode, too. I used to track hir movements by listening for the telltale “heh heh heh”and slap-slap-slap of hir hands as ze superspeed-crawled straight into disaster. Now, I might hear a chuckle and then Seamus’s snort of surprise as ze pops up in front of his face, or catch a glimpse of hir peering around the corner, several feet from where I left hir.

This is good for NO ONE.

What’s that you say?

So much communication is happening this month. Once, when you asked hir to sign “more”, you’d get a sidelong glance and a quirked lip sneer. “I’m not waving my hands around like that. JUST GIVE ME THE FOOD.”

This month, ze is suddenly willing to sign to communicate, and more than just “more”. “All done”, “ready”, and “please” have come into play. That doesn’t mean hir primary mode, yelling louder until we magically understand like the stereotypical American talking to a non-English speaker, has stopped completely but if you prompt hir with keywords, ze will sign appropriately, and happily, now.

I’m also teaching hir the age-appropriate formal cultural greeting that I learned as a child. Ze thinks it’s HILARIOUS.

Swimming with the fishes

JuggerLB LOVES the water. Washing hands? Awesome. Taking a bath? Awesome. Swim lessons? Awesome. Pool time with family? Awesome. Ze can’t actually swim yet but acts like ze knows how, pushing off me or PiC as if to say “I can do it!”

Teething is horrible

It feels like we’ve been in a teething phase forever. We used to get by with the Hyland’s teething tabs but lately the teething pains come with a side of high fevers and extra misery. I DID NOT ORDER THOSE.

We’ve spent many a night cuddling after a dose of Motrin and cup of water, waiting for the numbers to reverse course from 105 degrees F. I know some parents prefer to avoid the drugs and we don’t love using medications but if the kiddo is suffering, in pain, and crying when ze normally brushes off most discomfort and some ibuprofen will help, I don’t see the percentage in holding to any such principles.

Live hyenas

Exchanging anecdotes with a friend about our babies, we realized that our children get really violent when they need sleep. I knew that ze HATED being patted for comfort when in the car seat and tired-angry. But since ze still hasn’t learned the sign for sleep, ze resorts to wildly signalling “please” and “more”, and then inflicting pain if you don’t figure it out. The first time, we were up an hour past hir normal bedtime talking to friends. JuggerBaby launched hirself into my arms and bit me. Then I noticed that if we were too slow to prep hir for daytime naps, ze would take my hand and try to tear off a chunk of it. Ouch. We’ve finally learned to catch the subtler signals of hir slowing down and confused signals as TIME FOR SLEEP. If we didn’t, ze might tear off a leg.

:: Is it possible that this is all normal for this age?

Read Months 1-15!


7 Responses to “My kid and notes from Year 1.4”

  1. As always, loving the vicarious living through Revanche’s baby updates!

    When’d you start teaching LB how to sign?

    • Revanche says:

      We started around 7 or 8 months, kind of late, and ze was totally not into it. Daycare helped a lot more – competition and imitation can be great motivators. Also seeing other kids get fed when they signed appropriately was also a great motivator, I’m sure.

  2. Sense says:

    Wow, I had no idea biting was a thing! It’s so lucky parents are programmed to love unconditionally. šŸ™‚ What a good mom you are!

    • Revanche says:

      It turns out biting is a VERY normal thing in the course of babies learning to communicate if they get frustrated, normal enough it’s in the daycare handbook that they have procedures and policies for addressing it, and telling us that it’s all part of development. I didn’t really believe it but boy do I now!

      • Blue will bite at me when she wants something too! Usually she’ll go in for a “hug” and end up biting me on the shoulder. Or she was biting my knees today. Such fun.

  3. When mine starts getting grumpy, rubbing his eyes, crying over every little thing, not knowing what he wants.. I know he needs a nap, even if it’s an hour before his normal time.


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