By: Revanche

Net Worth & Life Report: July 2016

August 1, 2016

Money and Life Report (July 2016): ON MONEY

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In the wake of June’s credit card bills, I cautioned PiC we had to pull back on spending for a few months to let our accounts breathe. We largely did ok with this even with this month’s travel.

Our normal monthly credit card spending on food, household supplies, any utility bills I can charge without fees, medical and vet bills, tends to average around the $1000 mark.

Planning ahead to FinCon in September, unfortunately my post didn’t win any prizes, so I’ll be on the hook for all the travel costs. This makes me triply glad that we had great friends willing to host us and Seamus for the week of SDCC.

We put in some cash for our part of the food costs. They always serve dinner to our little crowd which is both utterly delicious and frugal and saves us from the horrors of trying to dine out in the GasLamp District. It might be a nice tourist spot to visit generally but not during SDCC! That favor saved us something like $1800 in hotel and boarding costs.

Most importantly, it was an opportunity for family time that we rarely get. I’ll always cherish those.

Seamus has been having a rough summer. He’s used to the cooler temperatures here but they only sometimes help with his flare-ups. These past six weeks have been a constant daily battle of keeping his paws clean and bandaged with ointment, and now we’re treating his eye for discomfort from a possible ulcer or scratch or infection.

Poor guy. $300 this month just for almost-routine pet care.

JuggerBaby’s daycare costs are going up. I’ve been budgeting at least $100 over what we anticipated as the worst case scenario but these two increases are leapfrogging us closer to that cap.

August will hit hard with an $500, for going from part time to full time, then September follows up with another $200 for inflation. Painful.

The one good thing about JuggerBaby’s second birthday is that triggers a change in pricing downward. Not much but as always, every bit matters.


Vanguard liberation! For some unfathomable reason, though I had rolled over my 401(k) from a job ten years in the past, I found that it was still being treated as ExEmployer’s Plan in my portfolio. It took a stack of paperwork and $10 at the notary because apparently taking full ownership of my own money when I have a spouse requires spousal consent (???) but that $18K or so has finally been lumped in with my IRA! Simplification has been my THING lately.

Five years ago, I gambled that I wouldn’t be in dire straits if I corralled $20K into CDs for the high interest rate at the time (2.3%!). It’s not that I had no use for the money, it’s just part of my forced savings strategy. They all made it through! They expired this summer, and the interest offered at Ally is paltry, so I cashed all three CDs out. Earned interest: $1908. That’s not breaking any money barriers but not chump change either! Being patient, literally, pays off.

Speaking of forced savings, I’ve increased our automatic transfers to savings by $200/month. It’s an experiment to see if we can push back our spending a little more. I suspect that we won’t feel too much pain from this because I’m also steadily working on side income and though it’s not much, several small streams do add up so that it doesn’t feel like we’re actually doing with less.

Net Worth

07-16 Asset Allocation

Our net worth: increased 2.2% from last month, and 55% from January.

07-16 Total Assets


This month’s big event was SDCC! A real recap will come but quick recollections: I walked about 4-6 times my normal distances, that convention center is huge, and even with PiC serving heroically as my pack-person, I am still paying the price. Getting to see family I adore and immerse myself in the madness that is SDCC even for a little bit each day was glorious.

All the fun and all the stress: preparing for travel, and hosting people for more days than I can usually stand to have visitors, and then traveling into hundred degree heat took its toll this month. It culminated in sitting on the cold tile one night, dizzy and unsteady, unable to get up or lay down, feeling like if I did lay down my heart might stop. I’m told that was probably a panic attack. It was most unpleasant and downright unsettling. The morning after, I was still shaking and it took several hours for that to pass. Highly do not recommend.

:: How was your July?
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17 Responses to “Net Worth & Life Report: July 2016”

  1. I love these posts that break down the entire month! Sorry about Seamus and the rising costs. Glad you found a way to do SDCC for relatively cheap. Hooray for lots of money victories, too. Even if they’re small, they totally add up. And you had a bunch in one post. Time for a new hashtag: #lotsofgoodmoneythings 😉

  2. This is generally pretty bright news! It sounds like things are going well, for the nonce.

    Man! Those daycare costs boggle the brain. But y’know…when M’hijito was a toddler, one of the women we carpooled to Montessori with did a little math and reported, “For what we’re paying for preschool, we could put our kids in the UofA Medical School!”

    Well, that was in-state tuition.. But still…

    Hope the pooch gets better when the weather cools. It’s really hard on the doggies here, too, especially the older and furrier one.

    Uhm…none o’ my bidness o’course…but if you have another spell like that, you probably ought to visit the ER. I used to have panic attacks (escaping from the Great Desert University has a marvelous curative effect!). Although it’s a really scary sensation, I didn’t experience dizziness — some serious heart palpitations and sometimes a sort of disorientation, but strictly speaking no vertigo. One of the quacks asked me to go to the ER if any dizziness developed.

    Some meds will cause panic attack-like side effects. Might want to check the side effects of anything you’re taking regularly.

    • Revanche says:

      If everything but my health is going well, I think I can take that as a win!

      I’m not sure that the ER is the appropriate place to go for a panic attack, is it? I think of it as a place for keeping you from dying if broken and bleeding but don’t think there’s anything they can do for something like this?

  3. Leigh says:

    Are you guys millionaires?! Exciting!

    • Revanche says:

      Is it weird that I don’t think we count as that until we have 2.5M in total, because split two ways (not that we really truly split but there ARE two of us earning and spending) it’s not 1M each.

  4. DH had an 8K credit card bill this month. Moving is expensive!

  5. SP says:

    I cannot believe that hir second birthday is approaching already! <3 <3 <3 Is this possible?

    Glad you had a good time at SDCC – travel is stressful, but often worth the extra stress. Hope august is off to a good start!

    • Revanche says:

      It hardly seems possible but it’s happening and I’m not ready! 🙂

      Thanks, I’m still recuperating but really hope I’ll be back to whatever passes for normal soon.

  6. I have similar experiences when I travel, especially when hot, usually anxiety. I am trying to manage it though since I love to travel. I can’t believe you needed spousal consent to move your 401k. I wonder if it is true the other way around. Daycare costs are the worst. I am so glad Little Jolly is in school now!

    • Revanche says:

      Can I ask how you’re managing it? This is a first for me so I’m open to suggestions!

      I know school comes with its own costs but it seems like a drop in the bucket compared to daycare. Sheesh!

  7. Panic attacks are a beast. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

    I’m glad you were able to enjoy some time with family and go to SDCC! With all of your stress recently, it sounds like you really needed a vacation, even if it was a very active one!

  8. Daycare costs are painful . . . and then they disappear like magic. That day will come. So sorry about your apparent panic attack after what seems to have been a very positive time. I hope you’ve been able to get some rest since then. Very well done on the money front! 55% since January? Wow!!

    • Revanche says:

      Not yet, but my time to rest is coming! I can almost taste it.

      I forgot my disclaimer – 55% is in large part due to the recent appraisal of our property. I haven’t changed the estimated property value in a couple of years.

  9. Nancy says:

    401-K spousal consent is needed for either partner.

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