By: Revanche

Election 2016

November 9, 2016

I had another post for today but first I’m sitting here with the Election doing what it’s doing and I’m wondering how we live in a country that would rather put a Hateful Incompetent Blustering Serial Liar in the highest office of the land over literally anyone else you could think of? A person who has made a campaign promising to deport citizens based on their religion, who considers many citizens of this country including women, disabled people, people of color, LGBTA, veterans, and immigrants as less than dirt to be trod on? When he incites violence against those who disagreed with him, invoked the Second Amendment in reference to his opponent – how are we to expect anything different from him if he’s then installed in the Oval? How precisely is he meant to lead and represent this country when his view of the nation is one that would be better off if most of us were gone?

Some of us have kids to whom we’ll have to explain how a bully and a predator was elected to the highest office in the land. How a man can brag about sexual assault and have multiple accusers of sexual assault and still be elected President. Some of us have daughters to whom we’ll have to explain how no matter how experienced you are, no matter how much blood, sweat or tears you’ve invested in the process and your career, a blustering man with literally no credentials or perceived competence can still win over you. Honestly, none of this was new, it’s just that much more obvious now.

I already knew I’d have to explain this to JuggerBaby someday but I had held to this frail hope that it could be in the past tense when ze was old enough to understand.

Add to the list of explanations: why are they telling us to “go home”? Because that’s nothing new either, but it’ll happen more frequently after the election, just as it was becoming more obvious during the campaign.

I was thinking earlier today, is this how it felt in Germany after the elections? A sense of foreboding, and impending doom, and wondering how many of your friends you can shelter from the coming storm? How long you can hold out?

The blistering racism, festering sexism, and ever-present xenophobia that’s pocked this country had me prepared for a close race, but I had held out hope, based on all the good, decent, and kind people I know here, that it wouldn’t come out in favor of hatred and bullying. This didn’t even come down to warring conservative versus liberal values and agendas. For me, this was about basic human decency and he didn’t even meet the minimum bar for that.

It’s not been called yet but I’m worried for the many who are even more vulnerable than I.

I don’t feel it yet, but I can say that I hope that when we wake up, it won’t be as bad as all that. That it isn’t the beginning of the long slide. I hope.

Nov 9 update: The person I couldn’t believe was the Republican nominee is the President-Elect now. It’s an outcome I knew was to be feared and the repercussions will range far and wide. It’s too early to try and hope again, today’s a day for resting, regrouping, and then we’ll pick up again. We’ll stand up to protect ourselves, defend those who need help, and be the best possible people we can be. That’s our job. And in two years, we need to do what we can to change the fact that all three branches of government are held by one party. The checks and balances can’t work when there’s no aisle to reach across.

12 Responses to “Election 2016”

  1. SP says:

    I cried. :/ I was so hopeful.

    But I have hope that we can all work together to move this country in a positive direction – no matter who is in our highest office. It is not what I wanted, but there is no choice but to hope. And if Hillary can stand up in front of the nation and graciously work to bring us together, so can I.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m not ready to have hope yet, but I have conviction. We have to work, together or separate as may be possible, to make this place better.

  2. NZ Muse says:

    I am fearful, as it feels like the far right is rising, all around the world. I hoped to wake up to a miracle (even though it was basically a certainty when I went to bed) but instead woke to the worst case scenario.

    I am numb and scared and sad but I am seeing people pledging to come together and work to create some good in the wake of this and I hope with all my heart they can succeed and I will do what I can to support this. As SP says, there is no choice but to hope.

    • Revanche says:

      My heart sank when friends pointed out other countries with far right leaders rejoicing at this result.

      But if we can come together here, on this tiny piece of internet turf, rest and mourn and regroup, we can stand and fight again.

    • Yes. I’m afraid you’re entirely correct about this. Donald Trump is just one manifestation of a general trend toward populism, nationalism, and isolationism.

      A lot of people indeed have suffered because of globalization. So a little backtracking might not be a bad thing. But what we’re looking at here is not a “little” backtracking: it’s an about-face toward 1938. Scares the bejayzus out of me.

      • Revanche says:

        Right, a little backtracking or even in a different direction that’s not back or forward would be good. But this leap into embracing Hitler and his brand of hatred is horrific.

  3. Mattie Dulka says:

    I have been crying off and on since last night. I made myself get up and go to work, but eventually I broke and was crying at my cubicle in an office where a majority are Trump supporters (even in Blue Oregon just outside of Portland) and I had to leave at 10:30 and finish out the workday at home. I’m still distraught, but as the day goes on, I feel more and more determined to get this mess fixed in two years.

    • Revanche says:

      It’s been one hell of a day since 24 hours ago, hasn’t it? Thanks for coming by and commenting, and being willing to roll up your sleeves and made a difference in a couple years.

  4. *hugs* we are in mourning for this hateful rhetoric. Know that there are many behind you even if the hateful voices get louder (which they have since yesterday, sadly).

    • Revanche says:

      Very much so – and the wish to be able to hope that it’ll stay rhetoric and not translate into real violence. It’s ugly as it is but it can get very much uglier.

  5. chris says:

    Living where I do, I wasn’t as surprised at this result – I had hoped, though. As NZ Muse said, it really seems like the far right is rising everywhere. I’ve already signed us up for a state Democratic party strategy session for the very reason you mentioned: all three branches of our government will be controlled by one ideology as of about March (I’m guessing that it will take a few weeks to get a new Supreme Court judge in there).


    • Revanche says:

      I’m not sure where you’re located but it was hard not to hope, wasn’t it? Good job taking immediate action – this will help us in the long run.

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