Good Things Friday (49)
January 24, 2020
2020: If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Current total: $313.24
1. After my seventh day of too much pain, and six nights of not sleeping because of the too much pain, I got more than 6 hours of sleep!! Hallelujah! Breaking that vicious cycle is really tough.
2. I truly dislike Fidelity’s contributions interface. It did a weird thing with our IRA contribution last year and then again this year, and I had to chat with them twice to straighten it out because the first CSR was dismissive and also wrong with his advice. BUT it’s done now!
3. I asked Jay a question that I realized applies to me too: What gives me the same rush as spending money? For me, spending money doesn’t make me happy, but buying things makes me think things are getting done. I’m the Family Quartermaster, buying supplies is half my job around here: dog treats, dog food, canned veggies for the dogs, medications for Seamus, groceries, stuff for the house, the list feels endless. But that tricks my brain into thinking that buying things = productivity. So what else gives me the “rush” of productivity that isn’t buying frivolously?
Today’s answer: I think I have to create things to feed that appetite.
Brief interruption to say: Whew. So many bad things happening this week. Family is going through some really rough stuff and I’m doing everything I can to help. It requires research and consulting with people who know better than me and more work. The rental is a whole $$$$ THING, so much work, thankfully I have someone to consult with for that as well. I’m doing all this work to get our taxes in order. JB is due to start kindergarten this year and we’re getting all the information needed for that and I can’t pretend that I’m not freaking out about that a bit. My checking account looks like it’s going to be running about $2000 short and that’s coming out of savings. ARGH.
4. Sera did well with major distractions on a few of her walks: a kid running up to pet her, a small dog running by (running dogs seem to freak her out for some reason).
5. I resolved to get a dog walker to help with Sera’s continued training and to relieve PiC’s tasks up to a few times a week.
6. Thanks to a supporter who wanted to do monthly donations, I figured out how to set up a donate button! This was intended mostly for our Giving but hey if someone wants to support my labor of love that is this blog, I have no objections.
7. I created! I made a thing! I’m so proud of this one. It’s particularly good for the Very Organized Gift Giver, or the aspiring organized gift giver. The look inside feature should be live (not on mobile, alas) so you can see the cool pages I designed. Whee!
8. Achievement stopped syncing with Google Health a year ago and I’ve wasted a whole year of walking by not getting my act together and getting a new app to track my step. FINALLY found an app to use and created an account and synced it. That shouldn’t have taken me a year. But it’s done.
:: How was your week?
I’n glad you got sleep. I experience chronic pain and the sleeplessness is the worst! I like the question about finding emotional alternatives to spending money. For me it’s organizing things I think. I like the idea or order and control and having what I need. The gift journal is lovely. Very creative! I hope the worries of your week sort themselves out. Life is stressful.
Lack of sleep just seems to rub salt in the wound 🙂
My IRA is through Fidelity as well as it is a bit confusing when you want to make changes to your contributions. It’s a two step process but they don’t tell you that, they want you to figure that yourself.
Happy to hear to you got a good amount of sleep and let’s hope you get at least seven hours of sleep on a more consistent basis to help with your chronic pain.
Was not the best week at our household, both of our boys are coughing. BwC’s was so bad that we had to take him to the hospital. It’s pretty frightening to see a 7 month cough his lungs out and hear some wheezing in his chest but the doctor said he should get better in the next week. Let’s hope so!!
I even asked them if it was a two-step process and the CSR acted like I was stupid for asking AND told me that it wasn’t. I am not their fan.
I hope the boys are better this week, that cough sounds terrible!
yay for sleep! it is the. best. hope it continues.
buying necessary stuff satisfies my need to shop. it does feel productive to me, too!
Here’s hoping!