By: Revanche

My kids and notes from Year 6.1

March 16, 2021

We watch too much Moana

JB is constitutionally incapable of eating a banana without saying after their first bite, “You’re NO ONE’s hero.”

PiC does it too.

Missing Seamus

JB has known about loss at a little bit of a distance for a long time. They know my mom died a long while ago, they know their great grandparents have died in the past few years. They know our friends’ dogs have died. They’ve been to three funerals. That was all academic.

Nothing comes close to the tearing emptiness of losing Seamus. Not even a little.

“Thinking about him doesn’t fill my bucket,” they sobbed.

No. Thinking of his memories still makes me cry a lot too. The memories are just too fresh.

I still reflexively look for him when I go from one room to the next. I still reflexively reach for his head when I pass by his bed.

They cry for him most nights of the week and we talk about him a lot.

Smol Acrobat

SA is doing so much talking this month! When they wake up from a good nap, they get one of those a day, they’re all smiles and coos and “ahhhh-ga!”

JB is most pleased that they have discovered making animal sounds at SA will tickle out smiles and approving sounds from their baby sibling and keeps pressuring us to do jungle sounds too.

They are also paying attention to books now and particularly like the Scholastic book Vamos a Salir! / let’s go! They coo most at the gorro / hat page.

I find myself less panicked this month. Early on, though a lot of this was familiar, I still felt pulled in so many directions trying to do everything. Getting ready for bed felt like a sprinting marathon: clean up everything from the day and prep for a long night with a frequently waking baby who’d need a diaper change and a feed every two hours and by the way would spit up frequently. It was a SLOG. Now, though they still don’t sleep through the night, things are better. With them in the Snoo instead of cosleeping I can physically relax a bit. They are sleeping for a little longer at night sometimes though we do still get up 2-4 times. Their daytime naps go from ok to horrible to terrible to no good and ok again, but the occasional ok nap gets us through the day. I wouldn’t say we’re settled into a routine but we are slowly settling down a bit. We’re finding some kind of rhythm.


Sera seems to be trying just a little bit harder at everything in Seamus’s absence. She’s a little more responsive to commands, a little less out of control when excited. A bit more attached to her humans (mainly PiC, not so much me).

She still fixates on incoming dogs she sees but she’s also willing to snap out of it to look at me after a few seconds rather than going completely fugue state.

Precious Moments

After a bad fall and hitting their head, JB: I think I lost some brain!


JB: I miss Seamus. I wish he would come back soon. Oh then it would be nice if he came back and we cut open the box (they know his remains will be in a box “urn”), and it’ll be a little puppy Seamus and he’ll start his life cycle all over again.



JB yelling from class: What are you doing to my baby??

YOUR baby??


JB reading sight words: “and they the if through girl boy begin write learn –”
PiC aside to Smol: good job you finished!
JB: uh DAD, could you not talk at the same time? It will confuse Smol who won’t know if we’re the same person.


JB doing yardwork and narrating to Smol: Ok, Smol, you might want to turn around and watch me shovel. This is a shovel. I use it to dig up the pine cones and I make a pile here and then your Dad will use the dustpan to put it in the bin. The dustpan is only for the outside though, not inside. Now, watch me get into the bin, I can get up here all by myself and stomp down the compost.
Smol Acrobat: ooooh! Aaaaa!
JB: And this is how you use a saw, watch! And this is how I do the loppers!
Smol Acrobat: kssss! EEEE!
JB: I am very good at this, yes.


JB: can I have some fun with Smol before they eat?
Me: no, they’re about to eat and they’re going to scream their head off if we don’t feed them when they realize they’re hungry. They don’t do a good job of knowing they’re getting hungry yet because they’re a baby.
JB: they need to take a chill pill.
Me:…. Babies don’t take those.


JB to SA: I just want to rip off your head so I can snuggle with it!
SA: errrrk?
Me: please don’t do that.
JB: I already did.
Me: Sigh.


Hamilton’s the gift that keeps giving. As the last song wraps with, “I’m the damn fool that shot him!”

Later ….
JB: Guys? Aaron Burr’s the demi-fool who shot Hamilton.

Yep. That’s the line. No one tell JB what the real line is!

:: What fills your buckets?

2 Responses to “My kids and notes from Year 6.1”

  1. NZ Muse says:

    Connection! Human connection.

    I can’t believe how fast JB is growing. Then again Spud is closing in on 3…

    • Revanche says:

      I agree! I’m grateful that I can get that connection virtually, especially in these times of pandemic and physical isolation.

      I know, it’s startling how fast they’re both growing!

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