By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (244) and Link Love

October 27, 2023

1. Neighborhood bird watching! A beautiful hawk rode the thermals and circled overhead for five minutes. A mischievous crow rousted the whole flock of pigeons. Tiny blue breasted birds chased each other across lawns.

On at least two afternoons, the birds were twittering so loudly it brought me back to moments in Hawaii in the spring, or Thailand in the fall. Just a profusion of tropical singing.

2. The last Keeper’s Six copy has been given away! 🎉 I hope everyone loves the story and we get more from this world.

3. TWO dear friends are retired early and traveling the world and they are delighting me this week with texts of their travels and adventures or spontaneous calls to tell me they’ve landed in a new country and are doing well. I’m so happy for them and glad to reap the sense of adventure without having to leave the house because I’m so tired I don’t want to do anything else.

Challenges this week: Woof.

Just a little link love

The Hamas atrocities and the responses of the Israeli government are devastating. No one deserves to be treated the way the civilians on both sides have been treated. An Al Jazeera journalist learned his family had been killed while on the air. It offered the world a glimpse of the horrors in Gaza

‘Nowhere safe’: In southern Gaza, a scramble in vain to outrun the war

If you’re able, World Central Kitchen is helping both Israelis and Palestinians and Celeste Pewter suggests helping by donating to Anera or the Palestinian Children’s Fund.

I’m writing to Alex Padilla to find out why he didn’t oppose this: Full List of Democrats Who Voted To Ban Mask Mandates

What the hell possesses people to do this stuff??: Juveniles charged with dousing acid on playground slides that injured 4 children

This headline was more alarming than it needed to be for the wrong reasons: California is dumping millions of fruit flies on Los Angeles residents

“I Wanted To Be You”: Joan Baez, in Conversation with Jane Fonda

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