By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (247) and Link Love

November 17, 2023

1. I tried to pry the sick kids out of the house for a walk on the weekend. Sera 🐶 and I headed out first, followed by JB and then PiC and Smol Acrobat. We ran into all kinds of neighbors. One texted me about spotting JB trying to find me, to confirm they were actually ok and didn’t need help. One was walking her dog while we petted a very friendly stray cat. One sent their kids out to do a rousing chorus of hi hello hi!!

2. I follow Shirley Raines on Twitter and her work to help people directly is so humane and caring. I especially appreciate that she doesn’t hold people hostage to get their basic needs met like people from organized religions do.

Challenges this week: sick sick sick

Just a little link love

One step towards the right outcome. I hope this child is reunited with her actual relatives and that this lying kidnapping couple aren’t allowed to adopt.

I know this is supposed to be a sad thing but I’m fixated on how cute the cats are and now I want to pause this and learn how to draw cats like this.

Silly facebook link is silly but also funny and a little bit true

Nearing Her 109th Birthday, and Still Waiting for Her Day in Court: Lessie Benningfield Randle survived the Tulsa race massacre of 1921. Her lawyers are making what they say is a final bid to keep her case alive.

I really don’t understand why judges are allowed to be so out of control and protected in their nonsense that it took this happening multiple times before she was stripped of immunity. That’s entirely aside from how terrible Family Court judges generally appear to be in terms of how they reward abusive fathers with equal parenting time when mothers document and report abuse.

What do you think about this Flyertalk thread about gifting to flight attendants: We have flown once since the pandemic started. I was highly anxious about it, and with the full expectation that Smol Acrobat was going to make things very hard for us, we brought chocolates as a preemptive thank you to the flight attendants for putting up with whatever nonsense was going to ensue. They were gracious about accepting it, and I certainly didn’t expect any special favors.

Deadly horse virus prompts cancellation of equestrian events across N.S.
“Equine herpes has a high rate of mortality and transmissibility, but is not a federally reportable disease” – er, why not?? It has a 50% mortality rate, what more does it have to do to be federally reportable??

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