By: Revanche

My kids and notes: Year 8.10

December 20, 2023

Life with JB

JB has been demanding war history at dinner without any warning at all so I’m having to drag my tired neurons into synopsis mode to try and distil the 9/11 attacks, World War 1 and World War 2 into brief coherent to a kid summaries at the drop of a hat. It hasn’t gone very well, I’ve mostly had to say “it’s complicated we’ll come back to it later” but I’m proud that I remembered correctly that Woodrow Wilson was the president during WW1. That’s something.


They’ve chosen to do two scary things this month (let’s say it’s the kid’s equivalent of public speaking) that make them nervous but they volunteered to, anyway. I’m continually impressed/surprised by their willingness to try things I never would in a million years have been willing to even consider. A friend’s dad commented that “kids these days” are braver than our generation was. I don’t know if that’s generally true but it’s absolutely true of JB vs me. I hope it comes from a deep confidence that I never had.

When they were a toddler, I used to comment that they were born with the amount of courage and confidence that it took me 32 years to scrape together. That seems to hold true, still. And I’m doing my best not to ever share my own misgivings and fears to as not to infect them unnecessarily, like my inability to watch their swim lessons. My big fear of water means that their splashing around perfectly safely, but not yet proficiently, still all looks and feels like drowning to me. *shudder*

Life with Smol Acrobat

Smol Acrobat has been particularly grouchy on car rides lately, demanding hugs and snacks and to get out, so I started a car game with the kids where we pretend to cook. This is very high-energy at times but it keeps them happy.

They’ve been having night terrors this year and it’s horrible. I don’t think they’ve slept through the night more than 10 days this entire year. They don’t have them every single night but it’s exhausting when they hit. They will sit and scream “no no no” over and over, or “HUG!!”, while lashing out at anyone who touches them. You just have to sit nearby and figure out how much interaction they need at any given moment. If you’re lucky, they eventually simmer down and come back to themselves. But it can’t be rushed, and sometimes they go through the simmer down and wind back up cycle multiple times. I’m so tired.

I used to joke I’d have my turn as JB’s favorite eventually, I don’t mind not being the favorite because I liked privacy in the bathroom and having the use of my arms. Turns out I wasn’t joking. Being the favorite means waking up to Smol screaming MOOOOO-OOOHHHMMYYYY over and over and over at 2 am several nights in a row and accepting no substitutes. I like sleep. I crave sleep. I wouldn’t mind if PiC was the favorite on nights he’s pulling the kiddie watch night shift.


Sera’s in Grumpy Ole Dog mode. I ran out of the sardines we serve with her food to help her skin, for a few days, and she went on strike. She would only eat the bare minimum of kibble every so often throughout the day until we bought some fish to add to her kibble.

She’s alternately entirely indifferent to my coming and going during the day. I’m doing laundry, dishes, picking up packages, or running an errand? She can’t even be bothered to lift her head to look at me. BUT she’s indignant and impatient for me to sit down at my desk on workdays, and to go to bed at night when she’s ready to go to bed. I’m learning her new rules as she develops them. It’d be nice to have some notice, though!

Precious Moments

Smol: I want to pet wittle dog!
I help them pet the little dog.
Me: can you also give Sera šŸ¶ a pet?
Smol: no.
Me (deflated): Oh. That makes me sad.
Smol: I’m sorry, Mommy. (Then hugs me but still won’t pet Sera)

Arguing with me over keeping their bandaid after a vaccine: No no, weave it! Until I sleep, and den I wake up, okaaaay? I keep it now. I’m TIRED. I’m wery tired now. I’m wery YAWNING. I rest first. Okaaaay?

Non sequitur city

– Smol: I like wellow salmon, I don’t like red salmon! Even mushrooms!
– Who wants ice cream? You want ice cream JB? Not now? After later? Who wants ice cream!!
– Loudly: I washed my hands with soap! I did! Are you HAPPY?
– Smol: I went to da beach with Joey! I went to da water an da water came to me! I was BERY scared when da water came to me.

4 Responses to “My kids and notes: Year 8.10”

  1. SP says:

    Re war history: We got a kick out of the story of France’s bastille day, as told by a 5-year-old “There was a guy who trapped a bunch of people in jail. They got really mad and trapped him in jail. Then the killed him. But it is kind of a happy story.” Hits the main points, I guess. šŸ™‚

    I’m glad JB has bravery and confidence – such important traits to have.

  2. Caro says:

    Kids discovering new things is impossibly cute.

    The good news is if the kids look like they’re drowning they’re not. Bizarrely drowning doesn’t look like drowning at. All. The YouTube vids on what drowning actually looks like were eye-opening to me.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m SO glad that people have shared that about what drowning actually looks like. It still doesn’t calm my overreacting instinct but at least I can truthfully keep telling myself that they are fine.

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