By: Revanche

The One True … thing

March 19, 2025

Bag (including backpacks): in the face of absolutely no evidence, I persist in searching for the one that is a perfect size, shape and color bag that will suit all my needs at all times. This despite the fact that I cycle through about 4 different bags at any given time depending on where we’re going and what we’re doing. I’ve actually spent the past year carrying my old backpack instead because I’m often bringing work with me and if not work then it’s just easier to grab the same backpack with all my things than to repack a bag.

Wallet: same thing on a slower cycle. Every few years, the wallet I’m using doesn’t suit for one reason or another and I need to find a different one. And yet I’m always sure that this next one, this will be the Right Wallet forever. Like my needs will never change.

Pen: this one changes depending on how my hands feel. The pinnacle used to be the Dr Grip. Then it was the Pentel G2 for a while. Then I wanted to go back to Dr.Grip and saved up my rewards to redeem for my ridiculous obsession and discovered that the balance of the gel grip to top of pen ratio doesn’t work for my hands anymore. Argh! I recently discovered the very discontinued Zeb Roller 2000 which is the perfect fit for my hands now and that’s extra sad because all I can find online are laments about this pen being discontinued. My search continues.

Dumplings: this one is real. There really is only one true perfect dumpling and those are the dumplings my mom made. Other dumplings may be good but none of them touch Mom’s dumplings. I can still almost taste them. I have experimented to see if I can duplicate the recipe and came close but I’m still slightly disappointed.

What’s your White Whale?

2 Responses to “The One True … thing”

  1. Bethh says:

    Purse-like day bag to use when traveling! When I did my Kenya/Senegal/Switzerland/Italy/Netherlands grand tour in 2022 I was using a bag from MEC (Canadian company akin to REI). Unfortunately it was a 20-year-old bag and its insides were delaminating in a displeasing way. And of course the model was discontinued.

    It doesn’t help that I don’t carry a purse most days so I don’t have time to vet a bag before I hit the road with it. I actually found a fairly good substitute bag but a few things about it bug.

    I’ve purchased at least 4 bags on this quest!

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