By: Revanche

Slippery Slope Confession

April 16, 2007

Rats. Rats rats rats. It’s just halfway through April and I’ve already broken my resolution. Twice. First, the nachos on Friday. Now, the burger. What next?? I was doing SO well, too!

Other than working, Saturday was spent mending a sock (hole in the toe), a tank top (the straps frayed and snapped off in the back. What the heck??), re-buttoning two pairs of pants (trying to avoid the tailor).

Then on Sunday, I cooked coconut rice at home, went to library and gathered an armload of books, and got the crew (well, a fraction of them, anyway) together last night for a movie night. I’d successfully sidestepped all hazards of spending money on going out: We went to a friend’s house, picked out a movie he already owned instead of going out to the movies (never mind that this also caters to my homebody-ness), snacked on food he already had. Ok, so that’s sort of like mooching, but not entirely.

But then they got hungry. And that there was my downfall. We went to Mimi’s and I remembered how I’d been craving a cheeseburger all week. And *bam* I spent ten bucks on a cheeseburger and baked potato. Oh, the shame! It was an awfully good cheeseburger though … even if I did forget my leftover half-potato at my friend’s house afterward. So much for making a second meal out of it.

4 Responses to “Slippery Slope Confession”

  1. would you possibly have a recipe for coconut rice? do you make it with the purple rice and coconut milk?

    i love to cook, eat and try new recipes especially rice!

  2. ~SFmm~ You know what? I’ve been looking for that recipe that I used and I just can’t find it. I promise to post it as soon as I do find it, though.

  3. “Oh, the shame!” I enjoy your writing style and will be back.

  4. ~Bart~ Welcome aboard!

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