By: Revanche

Wine glasses and corkscrews, oh my …

April 13, 2007

I’m officially the office birthday monkey. Last month, I made the resolution that I would never again be caught unawares and find myself searching for the funniestcardever on the night before an officemate’s birthday. Now I’ve two weeks to make reservations and purchase, wrap and otherwise conceal gifts for Little Boss’s birthday at the end of this month.

I’ve been searching the inter-webs for Riedel wine glasses of a particular shape and a really nice corkscrew with a leather case and possibly a wood box of some sort for storage. No luck on the corkscrew thus far. It’s a little weird trying to bargain hunt for “office supplies” (any number of weird things fall into that category) because Big Boss has such a specific idea of what he wants.

Normally, I would just use the office credit card to order online, except Little Boss gets the statement and I don’t want him to find out what we’re getting him before his birthday. But it seems just a little tacky to charge it on my card and then say: here, can I get a reimbursement? He’ll know what we spent anyway, but still. Just sayin’ it feels a little tacky.

2 Responses to “Wine glasses and corkscrews, oh my …”

  1. i can’t tell if you’re in san francisco or socal but my coworker was telling me about a place called dandelions on divisadero. they have unique items/cards for bday gifts. ive never been there myself though ..

  2. I’m in SoCal, but visit San Francisco on a semi-regular basis. I’ll have to check out Dandelions the next time I’m in the city!

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