By: Revanche

Congrats to my dear friend!

December 24, 2006

The same friend I was helping with debt reduction has become engaged! And of course, in a matter of minutes we’d gotten down to the nitty gritty of what it’s going to cost in terms of the wedding location, the timing, the honeymoon, etc. She’d wanted to be married in June of 07, but that’s not going to work out so it’s been put off to 2008. Because of that, she’d like to have our bridesmaid dresses custom-made instead of just rented. And she wants to pay for them. Yikes! That’s definitely a more Asian tradition so I’m pleasantly surprised but she’s not rich and I hope she knows someone who is going to give her some hefty discounts because I don’t want her to go into debt over it. She knows that too.
In the meantime, I’m happy for her!

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