By: Revanche

Hey AllFinancialMatters readers …

December 15, 2006

Oh holy cow. I wondered what happened when my site hits doubled and realized that not only had I been mentioned in JLP’s roundup, I clearly didn’t finish editing my title and it makes NO SENSE. I really meant:
Much as I don’t like Suze Orman, we have something in common.

I did not mean that was necessarily a good thing. It’s a habit I’ve formed over the course of the years to keep myself from getting over-confident and overspending. It’s worked for me so far, but it’s not entirely accurate as there are a few things I could afford, and I sure could be livin’ the high life right now, but as many a wise saver has said before: the way to really build up a good cushion is to live like a broke college student for a few years after college. And that’s totally who I am in my head: a broke college student.

2 Responses to “Hey AllFinancialMatters readers …”

  1. Matt says:

    I had a similar thing happen when Blogging Away Debt linked to a post I wrote a little while back. It’s great seeing the visits roll in!

    You’ve got a great blog in its own right, links from sites like AFM should be a clear indication. Keep up the awesome work.

  2. Hey Matt, this comment was hiding, for some reason my comment meter doesn’t like to update properly.
    I appreciate the compliment and look forward to hearing from you!

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