By: Revanche

I’m starting to see the anti-TWC light ….

November 21, 2006

I was afraid I’d spoken too soon when I said that I’d finally won the cable/internet wars. It turns out that even after calling them about 47 times and getting through only about 5 times this month, they STILL hadn’t cancelled our internet and the cable was still being charged at that outrageous pre-promotion rate! It’s the 21st, people!! You have it on your records that we cancelled on the 4th!! But they still thought they could get away with charging us for it. Of course. No explanation for why the internet was not cancelled when PaDucky called on the 3rd, no explanation on why it wasn’t cancelled when I had to follow up on the 4th. No wonder I never got my revised bill.

And as for the installation? That day, there was a death in the family and no one was home. I had the presence of mind to remind PaDucky of the missed installation a few days later, but he was told by the CSR that no installation was necessary the one time his call was actually answered, and my calls have been unanswered ever since. I’ve wasted over an hour waiting on hold at various times listening to their asinine messages. Not only that, since no one was home that day, they just up and cancelled our promotion — even though I couldn’t ever get through to reschedule!!

This is beyond frustrating. I’m being told that the promotional price confirmed on the 4th is no longer in the system and that the supervisor will have to call me back in 15 or 20 minutes. If this isn’t resolved today, I’m cancelling their service — this is lousy customer service and ridiculous to boot!

2 Responses to “I’m starting to see the anti-TWC light ….”

  1. MoneyFwd says:

    For some odd reason I enjoy (in a nice way) confrontation with CSRs. You should get the name and number of everyone (and anyone who is going to call you back), just in case. Sometimes when you ask them for their name they either get really angry or do what you want them to. good luck!

  2. Normally I’m fine with dealing with CSRs to get what I want … but things have been hectic enough lately that I’m not in the mood to battle, I suppose. Ah well, I’ll get there eventually!

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