By: Revanche

Oh no! Stardust (the film) has been pushed back. Again.

November 8, 2006

The movie I was looking forward to seeing, originally scheduled for a March 2007 release, has been pushed back to July 2007 because: “the head honchos at Paramount saw a rough cut two weeks ago, and decided that it was strong enough to be a “summer tentpole” movie. So it’s been moved from March 2007 to July 2007. Which I think is mostly a good thing, as it means they have confidence in it and will get their mighty marketing machine behind it, but is a bit worrying as there’s an awful lot of competition in the Summer, whereas around Easter we would have been the only thing like that around.” (

The film is based on Neil Gaiman’s book by the same name, and promises MUCH hilarity. I’m sure it’ll do just fine up against any of the other Hollywood tripe being released next year. I saw a rough cut or three of it in San Diego in July and was suitably impressed by the comic talents of all the actors involved, famous or not. Be sure to see it when it comes out, it’ll be worth it!!

What’s it about, you ask? Why …. : In the tranquil fields and meadows of long-ago England, there is a small hamlet that has stood on a jut of granite for 600 years. Just to the east stands a high stone wall, for which the village is named. Here, in the hamlet of Wall, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester. And here, one crisp October eve, Tristran makes his love a promise — an impetuous vow that will send him through the only breach in the wall, across the pasture… and into the most exhilarating adventure of his life.

2 Responses to “Oh no! Stardust (the film) has been pushed back. Again.”

  1. Blue says:

    Hey Ms. MiniDucky!

    I’m working my way (slowly but surely) through your archives, and when I saw this, I just wanted to say, Stardust was a FABULOUS movie. What did you think?


  2. ~Blue~ Welcome! And I LOVED Stardust. LOVED it.

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