By: Revanche

T-Mobile’s myFaves Package

November 5, 2006

Hi, it’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon…welcome to my rock hovel! Yes, I live in&under a rock because I have never heard of the myFaves package that T-mobile is offering. Apparently they’re out to bust Verizon’s IN network calling monopoly with an even more radical offering: you can pick the top five people you log the most phone time with, and regardless of their network, you get unlimited calling with those numbers. I don’t believe there’s any restriction on whether it’s a home, office or cell phone number.

T-mobile only offers one individual and one family plan.

The individual package you get is:
myFaves 600
Whenever Minutes: 600
Weekend Minutes: Unlimited
Weeknight Minutes: Unlimited
myFaves Minutes: Unlimited
for $49.99.

I’d briefly considered switching from my plan of 1000 Whenever, Unlimited Nights&weekends but this costs $10 more. I shouldn’t be talking on the cell phone for more than 1000 minutes on the weekdays anyway, even if I DO have a lonely 1 hour+ commute home everyday. BUT, if you’re consistently calling the same group of people and going over that many minutes during the month, this might not be such a bad idea.

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