By: Revanche

Tune in to “NYC Medics”: September 3rd, 7 pm, CBS

August 31, 2006

Tune in, folks!

I received this email about a donation I’d made some months ago when I’d decided that I was going to donate to a charitable organization that called to me and make that a part of my budget. And this called to me. It was really a grassroots movement, something I wish I had the knowledge or technical skills to participate in, and grew from a genuine desire to actively do something rather than just wringing their hands and wailing “woe is me, the world today!”

Not only are they sweet and sincere, the email is truly a thank you and doesn’t even fall into that slightly annoying, ingratiating, guilt trip version of dunning for a donation. I know, that’s marketing, that’s how many charities have to solicit funds, but I felt that there was really something very geniune about this group. [Clearly, they know that it works for them.] I hope you do too. And I hope you watch, I never saw the original broadcast so I definitely want to watch.

August 30, 2006

Dear MsMiniducky:

Thank you again for supporting NYC Medics in the earliest hours of our organization.It’s paradoxical that such a tragic event made such a positive impact on us, yet that seems to have been the case. The earthquake brought together medical workers who had never met one another, but had all made independent commitments to helping others.
October 8th, 2005 was a wake-up call for us. Until then, NYC Medics was barely an idea. We didn’t know whether we’d be able to amass the supplies and volunteers, whether we’d be able to reach the country’s most ravaged areas, whether we’d be accepted by the community, or whether our small group could make an impact in the face of such an enormous need.
Now we know.
This Sunday, September 3rd at 7pm, we’ve just learned that CBS will re-broadcast the 60 Minutes story of NYC Medics with an update on our return trip to Pakistan. The piece has since been nominated for an Emmy Award. Please invite your friends, family and co-workers to watch the segment. Don’t hesitate to mention that these people are your friends and that you are a part of this work. We certainly feel that way.
I’ve included an update on our activities since our first trip to Pakistan last fall. It’s important for you to know how your support directly helped people when they needed it most. I’ve also written about where we’re going – and how you can help.
It’s unfortunate yet certain that sometime in the next six months, a disaster will strike somewhere in the world. Other people will need NYC Medics’ help and when they do, we want to be there.
It was the staggering word-of-mouth response that enabled us to return to a remote underserved region of Pakistan, treating an additional 10,000 people. If the opportunity presents itself to tell others about us, I hope you will. The direct and personal nature of NYC Medics is what makes us so effective.
Thank you again for everything, and keep in touch.
We’d love to hear from you.

NYC Medics

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