By: Revanche

Travel: New Airport/Fare information site

August 2, 2006

Steal Your Travel Agent’s Tricks reveals a new website that may come in handy for travelers who need more convenience in their travel plans. Personally, I’m hoping that will help with unlocking some good fares for United as I’ve got plans to be flying up north a couple times the next few months and I could really use some good deals.

Other travel tips that I am currently trying:

**Bonus** I did nothing to find this but the some of usual round trip routes that run 167.10 before taxes/fees came up as 137.10! Score!!

Scheduling an open jaw flight: I usually go all the way home (1 hour, 15 mins) and then leave out of my favorite international airport that’s rarely ever crowded enough that you have to be there more than 30 minutes before departure (and this on a holiday weekend!)

This time, I’m going to try leaving from the airport near work (LAX – haven’t been there in years so I’m hoping it won’t be a nightmare!!) From Union Station I can use the Flyaway for 3 bucks and leave work only a little earlier than usual (1 hour) instead of 2 and 1/2 hours early.
I will fly back home to my usual airport, though. Cost? $149 after taxes and fees, plus 3 for the Flyaway.

2 Responses to “Travel: New Airport/Fare information site”

  1. Then Things says:

    In that article she mentions having the best chance at a free upgrade to first class- do you have any idea how one gets that? Do you just go up to the gate and ask?

  2. hey tt –

    I am actually trying to figure that out myself, I’m not sure I’m brave enough to just saunter up and ask for a free upgrade … and those who know aren’t handing out the script that I’ve ever seen šŸ˜‰

    I’ve been told the “secret to finagling free upgrades when on the plane” but that involves flirting with the flight attendent, dressing well, and other things that I’m sure would not come off well from me.

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