By: Revanche

Investing Smarts

July 31, 2006

Kiplinger’s Ordinary Investors, Extraordinary Results article from their August issue has some interesting profiles of investors who have, thus far, had some very impressive results. I have to admit, I haven’t got a quarter of the knowledge or experience these folks have garnered – and it’s a little intimidating. My reaction is mixed: seeing others accomplish tends to inspire and motivate me. Seeing them accomplish so much so that I can’t fathom where to begin is just plain disheartening.

I stick to it for a couple of reasons. One, I know that even though I don’t know a tenth of what “real” investors know, I can make small changes and slowly push my comfort level and knowledge. Two, there’s , rightly or wrongly, a stereotype that women are A, not investors and B, when they are investors, they’re timid, prone to paralysis, investors. I don’t care for that image one bit and you know what? Maybe I’m not in the majors, nor the minors. Maybe I’ll never be. But, at least I’m in the game — and that’s what counts.

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