By: Revanche

Fridays: Working From Home

July 15, 2006

I realized after my first day of working from home (a perk I get occasionally after having to work weekends in addition to my usual 14 hour days) that this could actually potentially cost more than its worth (a few extra hours of sleep, no commute, 3-day weekend feeling).

The costs add up quickly because you figure, I’m home, I can lunch with friends who are in town, get work done, and not have to be in the office! What you don’t realize is that you spend more time on your cell or home phone rather mindlessly, you have to run the a/c during the day (still ridiculously 99-101 degrees), and you’re even more tempted to eat out.

I’ve been trying to combat all these little financial drains, or at least be mindful of them. I’m not sure that yesterday was an unqualified success:
Phone call to cheer up depressed friend (2 hours, $0 for a local call)
Several text messages trying to coordinate lunch (0.50)
Short lunch with a good friend whom I’ve not caught up with in forever ($12)
(almost) filled up my tank- this one stings more because I normally commute via train, and I only drive on the weekend. My parents use the car during the week ($35!!)
I packed a couple of Luna Bars and a bottle of water so we wouldn’t feel compelled to pay exhorbitant prices at the bookstore’s cafe for a drink or a snack (free)
4 hours in an air conditioned bookstore working/reading (free)
Ross, need to find a new wallet for under $10 as my old one is getting too shabby and will have to be presentable for October’s work trip, but couldn’t find one – (0)
found a shirt instead – (8.63)

The gas money I might have spent anyway as I usually fill up when I get the car and it’s empty, but having the freedom to wander cost me an extra 20 dollars I wouldn’t have been able to spend were I in the office. On the other hand, for getting to spend an hour with my friend, and a nice shirt that can be worn professionally which my wardrobe seriously lacks, 20 bucks isn’t SO bad….

Of course, this wouldn’t be at all applicable for someone who contemplated seriously working from home because I don’t have to do anything but lug my laptop home, use the readily available internet, or can abscond to Borders for the aforementioned free a/c and comfortable feeling of having people around.

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