By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (10)

April 19, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

1. Friday: I finally grew a brain. Instead of getting up super early (for me), then being frustrated that I couldn’t wake JB up for 20-30 minutes because ze still needs more sleep, I just went straight to work and got a bunch of critical stuff off my plate. Then I went to tackle the sleeping dragon.

2. Friday: I sometimes have a love of advice columns (most definitely Ask a Manager!) but this particular one from Nicole Cliffe had some gems.

3. Saturday: We didn’t plan on it but we had the afternoon free to support PiC at a memorial event that went twice as long as we expected. JB was in good spirits and we had just enough supplies to keep zir fed and occupied, luckily. Physically, I was thrashed afterward for days, but it was an important thing for us to have done together.

4. Sunday: Working on the weekend is not a fun thing but I was glad to get through a few hours of work this morning so I could spend the afternoon doing fun things without stressing over the bad Monday to come.

6. Monday: Sunday’s work made SUCH a difference to my work day. I don’t want to always require weekend work but I will build on this momentum. Also I’m proud that I’ve consistently checked on Friend 1 (a dear friend going through some really tough life stuff right now) consistently every week this year.

7. Tuesday: The past 10 weeks have been ultra-stressful for work reasons but also for personal reasons. A friend’s wife has been an absolute snake to us, actively stirring the pot and having tantrums worthy of 45. Because we’re unable to cut her out of our lives for a specific period of time, due to prior commitments that are bigger than us, we’ve been dealing with her shenanigans for the short term. I realized this week that it was really getting to me, priming my brain for drama every day, so I actively decided today that it doesn’t matter what she thinks or wants or has a hissy over, she simply does not exist today. Or tomorrow. Or the rest of this week. Even after another bout with insomnia last night, I can feel that decision actively reducing my stress.

9. Wednesday: I slept well enough to wake up early all on my own this morning! If I can keep this up through next winter, we can skip forking over a great deal of money for the daylight alarm clock I was considering. Come to think, this might actually be related to some spring/summer weather? If so, I may just be putting off the inevitable for another year but that’s fine.

10. Thursday: I got SO MANY things done today but most importantly, I actually had an appetite for the first time in three weeks.

:: Tell me some of your good things! 

8 Responses to “Good Things Friday (10)”

  1. bethh says:

    It occurs to me that daylight alarm clocks might be less expensive this time of year, since we’re all finally getting some relief! I can’t remember where I saw it, but I read a good review for a daylight clock offered by the mattress company casper. Since I can’t remember where I saw it, I don’t know if it was a sponsored post – I didn’t come away with that impression though.

    • Revanche says:

      There’s one alarm that I’ve been stalking online for a while. The price dropped for about a minute and then went right back up again. I hope you’re right that the summer season will bring more price drops, though!

  2. Linda says:

    I picked up Hannah’s ashes today. The box and engraving look very nice, and I only cried a little. I’m picking up a foster dog this afternoon, so the empty feeling in the house should be less.

  3. Sense says:

    On behalf of all the people that need someone to reach out, THANK YOU for checking in on your friend every week. Some of us (lots?) tend to close off when we need help the most, and it makes a huge difference when someone does the hard yards for us. I’m both the person that needs someone to reach out regularly right now (I have one friend that does this) AND the one reaching out to a friend in an even worse state than me at the moment. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that one friend who just consistently checks in or sends weird memes to let me know she’s thinking of me.

    Also, oh no, I’m sorry that friend’s wife is making serious trouble. Man, is that frustrating. What is up with those people? And why do our friends like those people?

    • Revanche says:

      Aw shucks, it’s what you’re supposed to do. I know not everyone can because we don’t have that much mental bandwidth but when and where we can, we really should!

      I don’t really know what’s up with those folks but we are so done with them. It’s a darn shame that our friend is stuck with her for the foreseeable future but I hope he starts to want better for himself and his kids.

  4. Good things this week:
    -My parents were in town & took care of the kids + made dinners & cleaned the house. They are incredible
    -The weather
    -Discovered a new wine I really enjoy that’s not too pricey
    -We bought my parents a thank you gift, and it was something they really wanted
    -My sabbatical is only 4 weeks away!

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