By: Revanche

I had all these plans

March 10, 2009

Most of them were for the weekend, but one was specifically for tonight.

Tonight, at 9 pm, a walking expedition to the local Fresh ‘n’ Easy was scheduled. Armed with a $2 off $10 or $5 off $20 coupon, a foray into the after-hours discounted produce and possibly other meal components was meant to bear much fruit and even veggies for the lunches of tomorrow and tomorrower.

As we all know, I don’t like the scurvy.

Instead, held captive by Dr. Gregory House on and the ice-cold (45-degrees for the layperson who knows of winter) winds, huddled in the room stayed I. No fresh bought comestibles, no provender, for my lunch tomorrow.

Luckily, leftovers shall be the saving of me. There’s some meatloaf from Sunday’s lunch that will serve admirably. Perhaps also a can of corn. Perhaps I’ll be that adventurous. Better luck tomorrow.

3 Responses to “I had all these plans”

  1. haaa ha ha ha… too funny.
    yeah scurvy ain’t good. ye be smart to avoid it.
    and seriously, what’s with this ridiculous extended winter? we’ve got record breaking cold here. ick.

  2. Miss M says:

    I love the Fresh and Easy, where are you getting the coupons! We’re going there this weekend, I think we’re outside their mailing area or something cause i always see people with coupons that we don’t get šŸ™

  3. Revanche says:

    flirty*almost*30: I understand that mid-40s isn’t cold for some people, but it’s darned cold for me! I’ve got to venture out, though.

    Miss M: We get them in the mail periodically, I’ll ask them how you can get some! Or maybe I can forward you some of ours because we don’t shop there much/at all.

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