September 11, 2010

Forebearing Fridays: Warning signs during an interview

Ok – though I’d promised Week of the Geek, I ran out of time because some candidate interviews crept up on me.  My boss has been incredibly busy and so I was scrambling to rearrange the whole interviewing schedule on the fly while trying to hide the fact so the candidate didn’t think I and we were complete idiots. We’re not, we’re decent people, honest, but it’s been chaotic because 80% of the company is undergoing a systems change in a week. (*gulp*)

It turns out that it didn’t matter so very much.  While I usually choose not to talk about my work here on the blog, I felt like so much of what I learned this week during the interview process was worth a mention.

Do you remember when “they”say: be nice to the secretary?  That’s all very well and good, but I would like to extend that to a General Corollary: be polite to everyone. In my company, the semi-crazy looking dude in a weird t-shirt is the CEO.  Some days. Other days, he’s pretty spiffy. But Upper Management does not feel compelled to wear their titles so no matter who you meet, no matter how dressed up or dressed down they are, if you don’t know their names and who they are, it’s not safe to assume they’re a nobody and treat them accordingly.

LISTEN.  And Do Your Research. 

Candidate No-Way never did either.

We’re a small enough company that my name is not repeated so a quick check of the company website would have given any candidate a good idea of who I was. CNW both ignored my self-introduction as a member of the interviewing panel and didn’t have any idea what I did in the company. Had CNW bothered to do any background research or listened to my explanation of the structure that she requested, CNW would have realized that her prospective position would be partially managed by … me. 

Never mind that, though, I enjoy observing people’s behavior when they think I’m either monolingual, a teenage kid with no role, or an assistant. CNW was pushy, aggressive and ran right over me in conversation when given the opportunity.

I manage a large group that would be two tiers below this one, and there’s no way I’d recommend a candidate who’d treat me in that aggressive manner without knowing who I am during an interview; how do you suppose she’d treat my staff?

That was just my first impression.

My ruminations later covered our actual interview over lunch and her multiple gaffes there, again very much variations on the above themes:

A) Despite having interviewed with the hiring manager and her prospective boss, she couldn’t remember his name;
B) Despite having interviewed with my boss, and her boss’s boss, she couldn’t remember either of their names;
C) Despite having been told more than once who reported to whom, she asked me if the BiggestBoss reported to her prospective boss;
D) She mistook my boss for the office manager after spending an hour with him.
E) She took the lunch interview far too casually, acting like we were just friends on a lunch date

I have the feeling, after she dropped mentions of job offers in the East Bay and the considerations of San Diego that she didn’t actually want this job much anyway.  After all, she couldn’t be bothered to do much preparation so I’m sure it won’t break her heart that we’re extending an offer to the other candidate instead. 

But if you actually care about landing a decent job with a company you think “is incredibly cool with a great mission,” I cannot recommend any of the above techniques.

Hat-tip to Alison Green at Ask A Manager for articulating so much good hiring advice that CNW’s smooth attempts to hide her poor candidacy through constant, dominant conversation was obviously a snow job even to this less-experienced interviewer. She does boot camps!

July 10, 2009

Still here, still walkin’

What day is this? Is it Saturday? Again? Everyday would seem like Saturday if my friends weren’t mostly working during the day.

Update update update ….. My gamut of interviews is over for now and now we wait and we see. I won’t hear back until August about the most-wanted job but I’ve had good meetings with senior folks in the company and am now being totally Zen about this. If this is meant to be, it’ll happen.

I had a wonderful walk in Central Park with MoneyMateKate, and a lovely dinner with another friend I was meeting for the first time today! Funny how this trip has turned into an opportunity to meet so many new friends or old acquaintances.

My tour of a friend’s workplace turned up another set of informational interviews, and my resume is winging its way through another set of connections. It never fails to amaze me that people are willing to make that sort of recommendation based on knowing me for about five or ten minutes. Not that I’m not worth it! 😉

Oh, and I did extend my trip, at least until Tuesday. If the last round of meetings bears interview fruit, I have the freedom to extend again until just before Comic Con. Get this: my free ticket voucher from getting bumped from a flight allows me to change the dates of travel at will, for free.

And now, a little food porn to hold y’all over:

February 19, 2009

Interview: J. Money of Budgets are Sexy!

Since my chat-interview with Karen was so fun, I thought I’d give it another go, this time with (the notorious??) J. Money of Budgets are Sexy. Happy Thursday, all!

Q: First up, taxes! Are you still worried about doing your own taxes and getting arrested? Is it back to the CPA for you this year?

A: Oh yes! I’m not *as* worried as I was last year at this time (the process is starting to sink in a bit more now), but I still don’t trust myself enough yet – esp. now that I also have to account for the Mrs.’ taxes! In a perfect world I’d just man up and force myself to learn, but unfortunately it’s gonna have to wait ’til next year as I’ve already sent them on over. 😉

Q: I’m going to side with you on the taxes thing: the circumstances have changed with adding the Mrs. so I can see why you’re not quite there yet. That’s just to justify the fact that I’m using a CPA again this year. 😉 And if we’re gonna be lazy, at least we got the info out early!

So tell me, your blog is relatively new (almost a year old!) and you’ve already achieved MSN Money fame, as well as popularity in the pf blogosphere. Does this change your perspective of what you want to do on your blog? Or was this part of the journey you had hoped to take? You started out anonymously, do you think you’ll keep hold of that anonymity harder than ever now that people know the name “J Money” or would you ever consider taking a step towards revealing your secret identity?

A: Oh man, how SWEET is that! All this blogging’s actually being read by people – I love it. But as for my perspective – Nah, it’ll remain the same. I’ve always been in it for the fun and learning aspect of it, so until both of those stop, I’ll keep doing my thang. 😉 And actually, between you and me and your readers, MSN said if it weren’t for all my colorful words, they’d probably link back more! So if that doesn’t change me, not sure what will…although I have noticed I stayed away from “Hooker” and “bitch” in my post today (although not on Twitter!).

And I think I’ll continue to blog anonymously still….if I hadn’t spilled my salary and all my assets and stuff I’d probably switch over time, but there are too many haters out there that would love to bring me down. So for now, I stay as “J. Money” until I can’t tell the difference between the real person and the fake person 😉 Or when I accidentally slip and accidentally blow my own cover! I wouldn’t put it past myself…

Q: I did notice a migration of “hooker” and “bitch” from the posts to Twitter, actually. It’s a happy way to greet Mondays 🙂 [If you’re not already following: J. Money, or me!]
Speaking of greeting Mondays, are you a morning person or a night owl? Coffee or tea? Motivated or lazy?

And haters? Real life haters or bloggy ones? It’s sad but you do have to be careful of them. I wonder if the big names who aren’t anonymous (like Jim from Bargaineering) have much of a problem. But it’s so easy to confuse your secret identity with your real one; there are times I’ve nearly slipped with a “dude, [insert blog name here] just posted the most hi-lar-ious … uh …. oh .. never mind …” I nearly did that last night talking to a retired friend who thought that all high earning 20-year-olds were high rollers – have you encountered that attitude since reforming your blingy ways?

A: I’m like a hybrid. 10% morning person, and 90% night owl. If I am blogging, flying, or doing anything “fun” to me I can wake up and be there no problem at all. On all other accounts, I’m definitely a night owl. LOVE staying up late on weekends no matter what I’m getting into.
– Coffee all the way in the morning, and tea at night. 🙂
– Motivated 75% of the time, and 25% lazy…although this usually turns to 99% lazy the second I get in front of a TV! That thing sucks the life outta you – and not necessarily in a bad way.
– Haters are all over the place, but moreso in the “real” world where they know who you are and can track you down. I actually like a little hater-ism in the blog world. It spices things up a bit. 😉
Yeah, I came close to blowing my cover all last week when on…do you know how hard it is not being able to tell anyone? It was crazy…but yeah, not sure how a lot of the big shots do it in the blog world – probably just fudge a lot of the specifics.

Do I get flack for rockin’ the frugalness? Oh hell yeah. In fact I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut around a few friends because they always shoot back with “WHAT? But you make like $__ more than me!” – I really hate that. You don’t have to agree w/ the way I handle my money, but you should certainly respect it. It’s not like I’m all in their business ya know? Another reason I like keeping anonymous. 😉 I can bitch and moan w/out knowing the person in question won’t be reading it! Haha…gotta love that.

Q: LOL, I’m nowhere near famous and there are times I have a hard time keeping mum so I don’t even know how you keep the MSN fame to yourself.

I have no idea if my friends would respond the same way because I’ve only shared a few financial details with them – good or bad – but they know that I’ve had an… interesting… journey so far. I agree with you, though, you should respect a person’s approach to their money if it works for him/her. If they’re idiots like my brother, though, flame away! 😛

Alright, little birdie tells me your tax returns are in. 😉 What delicious little plans do you have for it?

If you were crazy enough to splurge on whatever you wanted, what would it have been a year ago, and what would it be now?

And if you had to use it all on food, what would you be eating/drinking?

A: Yup, soon enough I shall have my grubby little hands on a cool $6k! I know people like to edit their stuff throughout the year to “not give the gov. a loan” and all, but the joy of getting a big chunk like this is SOOO worth it to me 🙂

So, what will we be doing with it? Whelp, the Mrs. and I will probably take around $2k each to do as we please with, and then the remainder will go into our “House Savings” account for who knows what down the line. And more than likely the Mrs. will hoard hers until needed for Grad school and/or her portion of our mortgages (we divide it up a bit to track better and allow for us both to keep extra “side accounts” where we can do whatever we wish, no questions asked), I’ll pay off the remainder of my car loans ($1400ish) with it, and then save the rest for some extra padding. It’s crazy out there these days, gotta make sure I’m fully equipped and ready!

Now, if this were a year ago? A good portion still would have gone to paying bills, but the rest would definitely have gone to Best Buy, TJ Maxx, and a number of other places. Maybe even on some new blingy diamonds for the ear – who knows. 😉 And I couldn’t even tell you what I’d splurge on today if forced to – my brain is too messed up with frugalness lately.

As for food, drinks, etc – it would go to eating out more often and drinking an unlimited amount of alcohol w/out worrying about the cost! I’m thinking Long Island Iced Teas, beers, whatever my heart desired at the time 🙂

Q: I love that you’ll be able to close out a car loan – all about paying in full! That was a little bit of a test to see if you could still easily revert to your spendy ways. I want to start documenting how our brain chemistry alters when we’re full on frugal. 🙂 (But I just remembered that you haven’t even managed to spend your birthday money yet!)

Does your House Savings account include your house maintenance money, or is that a separate account entirely? Are you gravitating towards breaking out more savings categories as your savings grows, or do you feel like keeping it all in one enormous pot?

On less responsible matters: what do you do for fun around the house? Are you a gadgets and doodads kind of guy, a go out and party sort of dude, or a world-wise traveler? Or any combination of the above with some other dash of ingredient for good measure? Is the Mrs. the yin to your yang, or are you two peas in a pod?

A: Haha, yes ma’am – I’ve been stuck on the Frugal roller coaster for months now and unfortunately (or fortunately?) I can’t seem to get off! It does get sad when all I wanna do is blow through a little money.

Our House accounts cover it all – mortgages, maintenance, condo fees, groceries, you name it. We then both have our own separate accounts for all leftover money. I don’t think we’d break it up any more than we already have or else it would get too complicated. We have 1 house checking, 1 house savings, and then 1 house credit card. So yeah, it would all build up in each specific account. 🙂

When I’m not blogging or salivating over finance (half-way a joke), you’ll catch me glued to reality tv shows and all you can view Comcast OnDemand movies! It seriously gets to the point sometimes that I have to remind myself to walk outside or take a break, or else I’d be there for hours on end…which is really sad if you think about it. At least that’s what I do on the weekdays. On the weekends, I like to stay up late either hanging with friends, going to bars, or just chillin’ inside catching up on the shows I missed during the week! haha…and lately, it’s been more of the later – hard to go outside when so butt-cold. I do like to travel and take random road trips as well, but definitely not a gadgets kinda guy. Although you won’t catch me w/out my cell! Addicted to text messaging.

Yup – the Mrs. is probably more my Yin than my little pea. 🙂 We’re pretty much the complete opposite when it comes down to a lot of stuff, but then almost like “one” when it comes to family, religion, all the big things. So it works out well. Except when I want to talk during a movie or go on walks – the Mrs. can’t stand either! Which is kinda weird right? At least the walking one – never met anyone who doesn’t like that….but guess that’s what makes us unique. 🙂

Q: Ok, J.Money, before we ramble our way right off the blog, is there anything you’d like to share with my readers?

Advice? Questions of your own? Recommendations for shows? Deuces? 😀

A: Hum…something to share, something to share….okay, how about this.

A) Always go “ALL IN” if you’re holding a pair of Queens in Texas Hold ’em and
B) Never gamble all your money away 😉
Also, make sure you save enough money so you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of your life! (Sorry, had to throw something legit in here).

And yeah, I’d love to ask your readers something! Let’s do a “would you rather” shall we? Okay, here’s the question: “Would you rather be attractive as hell BUT you never make more than $30k a year for the rest of your life? Orrrrrrr, you’re pretty damn ugly BUT you’re as rich as Oprah Winfrey?” Ooooh, looking forward to these answers!

As am I, J. Money! I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did.

If anyone else wants to strike up an email conversation/interview, you know where to find me! Er…. you know, right here. Or at myname(dot)gs(@)gmail(dot)com.

December 1, 2008

Interview: Karen, a reader

I had the pleasure of running an impromptu interview with Karen. It was really a conversation via email, and quite fun getting to know one of my frequent reader/commenters.

Tell me (us) about yourself

I’m a single (divorced) woman and 30 something living in FL. I have a BS degree and I have a lot in student loans for that BS lol. My current position is logistics (but not what my degree is in) and I’m in management i.e. I supervise people. I own a home in another state (due to relocation). I’ve lived in 8 states. I don’t watch TV (I have cable for the ‘net). It doesn’t even occur to me to turn it on. I used to watch the club channel (music videos) at the gym and there are 2 TV at work and I end up getting sucked in, mesmerized by stupid commercials and Springer or the Court shows (depends on which employee is working lol).

I love that you don’t turn on the tv, because I don’t either. (Don’t laugh, it’s really because I can’t work the dang thing. It’s too high-tech for me.) You mention that you own a home in another state due to relocation, does that heavily impact your finances and the choices you’re able to make regarding your career or your daily life?

The house actually has little impact on me right now. It’s rented out, my mortgage payment lowered due to my ARM adjusting. If I didn’t have a property management company managing it, I’d be making a small profit. I currently “lose” less $50/mo on it. It’s my first year so I don’t know the tax implications (none as far as I can tell). Also, I can just manage if it wasn’t rented.
It doesn’t affect my career since I hated living where I was and I have absolutely no plans to leave where I am now (ok, maybe to HI or abroad!).
Although having a mortgage and no available house is a good way to keep me in check from trying to buy one right now. My rent is actually more than my mortgage but right now I am enjoying not being responsible for any maintenance.

I think you’re the first person I’ve met who has had their mortgage lowered when their ARM adjusted. That’s pretty awesome. You’ve mentioned before that you’re always a reader, never a blogger. What kinds of blogs do you follow and what are your favorites? What is it that you look for in a blog: appeal, entertainment, education?

Yeah my rate is now 4.75. I think my first house had an ARM and it adjusted up and that’s part of why I had to file bankruptcy (the main reason was I couldn’t sell it without my husband’s signature and he had “disappeared” after I sent preliminary divorce papers. And no, haven’t seen/heard from/of him since). That was a fun day in the lawyer’s office: 23 or 24 getting a divorce and filing for bankruptcy. Men are nothing but trouble! Kidding. Mostly. 🙂 The one good thing about buying the first house (which was his idea. The “throwing away money by renting” thing eye roll) is that we used his VA loan eligibility and not mine so I could use mine on the house I bought for me. The VA guarantees loans for eligible veterans so not required to have a down payment.

I don’t blog because I have a short attention span and it takes me too much effort to sit down and write something worth reading. And I don’t have much worth writing about at the moment!
The first pfblog I ever read was mymoneyblog. I read for entertainment more than education. I read yours (I know; you’re shocked), Single Ma/Fabulous Financials, Fab. Broke, Give Me Back My Five Bucks, Escape Brooklyn, Mapgirl, The Hustle of Sistah Ant, Sense to Dollars and random links from everyone. I mostly know what I should do, I just don’t. Or at least not to the best use of my resources. Unfortunately, I am too excited to be back in Florida and I want to enjoy it some after my time in KY. It’s mostly eating out plus a lot of travel recently (kennels are expensive here!).
I don’t really follow any other types of blogs with the exception of some friends’ livejournals. (I am not a myspace or facebook person).

I hear you about men being trouble, I’ve known a few of those in my time. 😉 Now: Lightning round! What’s your favorite food(s)?

Favorite foods: gyoza. And Sapporo Ichiban ramen, dolmades (stuffed grape leaves), sticky rice Dr Pepper (I know that’s a drink but it is a favorite!)

Are you a dog, cat, or furry plus four legs person?

I prefer dogs but I like most animals.

I already know you’re not a shoe gal, what do you love shopping for or owning?

Heh I don’t like shopping really. I know that’s boring! I prefer to spend my money on food/drinks and travel.

If you could do anything in the world you wanted for a week, what would that week consist of?

I would spend the week in Japan (also is a dream. Almost went this year but had a flaky friend). I want to see Kyoto and a sumo match, Japanese theater, hike Mt Fuji, visit Hiroshima, Tokyo. Maybe if clothes there fit me I’d like shopping! Maybe buying shoes would be easier!

Is there a dream you’re still wishing for, or that you’d like to see come true in your lifetime?

I would also like to have a job that I really like/enjoy (mine’s tolerable) and who knows with the economy? Tonight we got word of how it’s really affecting us. I’ve seen some numbers internally and in the news but tonight it was really brought home.

Mmmm, I looove gyoza and travel … and I think MyMoneyBlog was my entry blog as well! 🙂 Thanks so much for having our chat, Karen, ’twas great fun!

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