August 19, 2009
They’re back, now.
As a former FatWallet Grocery Forum frequenter, and a fairly avid couponer for some years, I
know the value of a price point. Knowing the best price you should get for products keeps shopping levelheaded and budget-friendly. Even if the gimmes strike, the impulse buys are tempered by the internal price book. [Or the little black book where the best TP prices (after double coupon and sale) are recorded.]
For example, $3.99 is the usual price for a pound of asparagus: too much. When stores are motivated to move the asparagus, they’ll sell for as little as 99 cents per 1-lb bundle. That’s usually the lowest the supermarkets go around here, so $1.99 is an acceptable off-season price when the pantry is decidedly starch and protein-heavy.
For other products, clothing, accessories and the like: almost-broke student budgety price points. There are slight variations depending on the merchant, ie: Target versus department stores. Still, that doesn’t excuse the Macy’s version of merchandising where a junior’s day dress might be priced anywhere from $60-$100. In my book, page 4 of the Clothing section, that’s a no go since when the sales and coupons roll around? You can get those very same dresses, assuming your sizes are still available, for as low as $12-$16! Dresses are not a necessity, I’m willing to take the risk.
My few purchases before the layoff, though, whew! I upsold myself in Richter scale fashion.
- There was the much beloved bag purchase several months ago for 60% off = still above my price point by a factor of ten.
- There was the dress from [$150], plus the cost of tailoring [?].
- There was the bespoke dress from a dressmaker on Etsy [$192], which also required tailoring [$22].
And there’s the netbook I’ve been yearning after. Priced out at~$400, I’m still safe from that imprudent purchase, but all the travel of late had got me thinking that $200 was a reasonable price. [As my friend said about a shoulder bag, “if you like it.” Um, what?? It’s a purse!]
Granted, the netbook is a piece of technology so it’ll cost more than Payless shoes, but when on earth did my price points migrate to “$200 is an acceptable price” on more than just electronics?
(I can’t even blame it on the Recessionary Sales a la Free Money Finance.)
Well, I’m just glad they’re back now, I can’t afford that luxuriant lifestyle quite yet!
August 18, 2009
Has anyone out there got experience they’d like to share about their printer all-in-one favorites or least favs?
As much as I hate to add to my pile of Stuff here, an all-in-one printer is essential to prevent the stockpile of paper records from taking over my life again.
I started my reduction-of-paper quest some time ago, but there weren’t any good deals to be had at the time so a friend offered up her printer/scanner. I loved it, btw, but it’s more than time to get one of my own so I don’t have to keep bothering her as the inevitable paper mail trickles in.
Perusing the Staples ads, and Fatwallet of course, HP had some pretty good offers but a friend warned me off: his HP AIO, and a number of others according to the help forums, have problems with retaining wireless connectivity. Or working.
I liked the looks of a couple of the Lexmark and Brother models in terms of technical specs, not so much for aesthetic reasons, but the deals were lackluster.
My requirements are not many:
Flatbed scanner with an Auto Document Feeder
Wireless capability
Double sided printing (manual is fine)
Separate ink cartridges preferable
Less than $100
Lightweight: less than 18 lbs?
So far, the only AIO that looks remotely like matching the wish list is the Epson Workforce 310
available from or for $89.99 after coupon. Black ink carts run about $18, and color packs are $37 for all three colors (CMY), or about $13 per color.
I’d also heard good things about the Brother brand, and this Brother MFC-490CW model doesn’t look half bad, either. The printer is the same price, but the ink carts are a bit pricier. The auto feed capacity is only half that of the Epson at 15 pages, but that shouldn’t be a dealbreaker since the scanning pile is relatively controlled.
And what is this “cable NOT included business,” anyway?
May 25, 2009
This summer’s wardrobe allowance: one summer appropriate, semi-formal dress, one pair comfortable-for-walking flats, and one pair walking/running shoes.
I missed the New Balance sale on, but something else will come around soon enough.’s shipping two pairs of flats, ETA: Monday. I love free shipping and returns; if I never have to go shoe shopping in a brick and mortar store again, I shall pen an ode to Endless.
The dress allotment, however, is totally covered. Was totally covered. After days of scouring the ‘nets, I found five promising designs on Etsy. Only two of the designers I convo’ed responded promptly, and of those two, one offered a more flexible design. The price was higher than I wanted, but not ridiculous considering the off-the-rack sales prices out there. Together, we drafted adjustments so that it will flatter my body, not just my type, and should fit 100%. Special trips to the fabric store were made, colors were considered, delectable details like “A-line,” “boatneck,” “silk georgette,” “timeless, classic shape” were bandied about.
The cost of buying custom, saving the price of a seamstress post-delivery, might actually beat the cost of finding a great designer dress on sale and having it tailored. It’s certainly saving time and effort trying to find that great designer dress now that the order’s been made, and sewing has commenced.
Sadly, oh-so-sadly, the anticipation for this lovely semi-formal frock has been derailed by the horrifying discovery that the event for which this garment was commissioned is Black Tie. Ugh!
I like being gussied up once in a while as much as the next girl, but with less than a month to go, oughtn’t the intrepid organizer have sent the invitations stating that sartorial splendor was expected? True, it was as much my fault as hers that I simply assumed semi-formal was the order of the day, but still. I’d venture that no one is going to be surprised and thrilled by the late revelation that tuxes and tails will be required.
Now that my new dress has been rendered redundant, but the money’s already spent, it’s back to the drawing board. Rather to the internet! What does black tie mean?
For men, indeed, tuxes or dinner jackets are expected. For women, “remember that black-tie means very formal.“
Some style recommendations:
Look for full-length skirts and dresses; lengths that hover around the knee are usually considered semiformal.
Consider the material and texture. Silk, satin, embroidery, beads, rhinestones, velvet and metallics are all well-suited for formal attire.
Remember that your dress options are unlimited. Consider spaghetti straps or a jewel-neck collar; a plunging back or a revealing front neckline; and side or back slits. Some events may call for more conservative attire, so consider this when making your selection.
Thus armed with information, I’ve dug back into the closet to pull out old bridesmaid dresses because I’m not spending any more money. I’ve narrowed it down to two: the already tailored, navy blue bridesmaid dress and the still-uncut, never been worn, silky peach dress. Seems like the latter would be more appropriate for a summer evening, but it would require yet another trip to the seamstress. Eh. What thinks ye?

May 15, 2009
You know, it’d be a lot easier to stay on the straight and narrow, the responsibility train, the sensible spending wagon if it weren’t for these jokers. Oh, I mean! lovely lady-friends on Twitter:

Actually, I tease. We’re all pseudo-enablers because we appreciate a few fine things in life, and I’m just now starting to be able to enjoy it a wee sma’ [that means “a little” if you’re not familiar with the Scottish] without worrying about being foolish about our money. My girls would rein each other in if we sensed impending spending disaster, right? Right? Girls?
And credit where it’s due, FB isn’t shy at all about what she wants. And Well-Heeled is a great sounding board for refining my style. And we’re all pretty good about analyzing potential suitors to a fare-thee-well for size, fit, appropriateness and overall awesomeness.
It’s thanks to my faith in them that I stepped in ’round Gilt Groupe for a look-see, and immediately fell in head over heels for some of the most gorgeous designs I could not, should not, luckily-missed-the-sale-entirely-so-would not, afford. Herve Leger, will you be mine forever?

The color combinations, the fabrics, the dangerously unforgiving fit, mmm! I’ll tell you what, I’m grateful as all get out that they were sold out of every single one by the time I arrived on the scene because I might have been flogged out of the PF blogosphere for egregious lack of judgment and utter abuse of rationalization.
But, look at them! Can you really, really blame me? [Pssst, yes. Say yes!]
Anyway. The sane part of me, and the wallet part of me, are both saying their Hail Marys that I didn’t get a crack at one of those dresses because I’m pretty sure the sale prices were around a neck-poppin’ $600. For those who care, one of them retails at $1590. Don’t care how much the discount is, $600 is still insane. So I can say when it’s no longer within my grasp.
*shaking head*
Alright, I think that’s gotten the swooning out of my system. Time to go pay some bills.
January 13, 2009
These babies complete my suit outfit:

I know, they’re not crazy 3 inches beauts like some other bloggers’s selections, but I’m just not coordinated enough to do those shoes justice so I’m going to stick with what I know – comfort with a little twist.
They’re a lot pointier and greener than I expected, but that’s ok.
I’m actually attempting to match my bag and shoes, and using complementary colors to coordinate my outfit instead of using the standard white button down shirt and black suit combo, for the first time in my life ’cause I’m taking this interview seriously. š
June 5, 2008

To be looking at SHOES, Angie!
But these do look like a cute spring version of the flats I’ve been wearing everyday. Now that I’ve shared, that’s all I have to say on the matter.
April 30, 2008
What do you guys think of this one? It’s $24, at Ebags, with a $5.50 shipping charge.
The dimensions are 14″ x 6″ x 9″ but I’m not entirely sure what the material is … it’s listed as croc embossed PVC.
Flap top open with magnetic closures
Cotton twill lining
Interior includes back wall zippered pocket as well as two front wall open top pockets
Croc wrapped handles
Exterior front wall pocket with magnetic snap closure and buckle
Drawstring side ties allowing for expansion if needed
Silver hardware accenting and bottom feet to protect from wear
Strap drop 4″

While I’d much prefer not spend real money, the stores I’m looking at simply don’t have the selection and this is pretty close to what I want. I can’t be sure without actually touching it, but that’s not an option š They do have free returns though …